20.01.2013 Aufrufe

Forschung und wissenschaftliches Rechnen - Beiträge zum - GWDG

Forschung und wissenschaftliches Rechnen - Beiträge zum - GWDG

Forschung und wissenschaftliches Rechnen - Beiträge zum - GWDG


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4.25 TRACER<br />

MAINTAINER: Patrick Jöckel<br />

DESCRIPTION: Tracers are chemical species that are transported in the atmosphere<br />

according to the model-calculated wind fields and other processes.<br />

This generic submodel handles the data and metadata associated with tracers.<br />

It also provides the facility to transport user-defined subsets of tracers<br />

together inside a tracer family.<br />

4.26 TROPOP<br />

MAINTAINER: Patrick Jöckel<br />

CONTRIBUTIONS: Michael Traub, Benedikt Steil<br />

DESCRIPTION: This submodel calculates the position of the tropopause.<br />

Two definitions are implemented: A potential vorticity iso-surface (usually<br />

used at high latitudes) and the thermal tropopause according to the definition<br />

of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), usually used in the<br />

tropics).<br />

4.27 VISO<br />

MAINTAINER: Patrick Jöckel<br />

DESCRIPTION: ’Values on horizontal (Iso)-Surfaces’ is a submodel for userdefined<br />

definition of horizontal iso-surfaces and output of user-defined data<br />

on horizontal surfaces (tropopause, bo<strong>und</strong>ary layer height, iso-surfaces, ...).<br />

5 MESSy Coding Standard<br />

As stated above, strict adherence to a coding standard is an absolutely necessary<br />

prerequisite for the maintenance of a very comprehensive Earth System<br />

Models. The full MESSy coding standard has been published in Jöckel et al.<br />

(2005). Here, we only briefly summarize the main points.<br />

For the implementation of the MESSy interface, all changes to the base<br />

model are coded with “keyhole surgery”. This means that changes to the base<br />

model are only allowed if they are really needed, and if they are as small as<br />

possible. Changes to the base model code are encapsulated in preprocessor<br />

directives:<br />

#ifndef MESSY<br />

<br />

# else<br />

<br />


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