20.01.2013 Aufrufe

Forschung und wissenschaftliches Rechnen - Beiträge zum - GWDG

Forschung und wissenschaftliches Rechnen - Beiträge zum - GWDG

Forschung und wissenschaftliches Rechnen - Beiträge zum - GWDG


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example sentences. Furthermore, all languages can be searched by language<br />

name, family and genus name, and country, and any selection of languages<br />

can be displayed on a customizable map.<br />

Third, there are two kinds of queries supplied: a basic, intuitively easy to<br />

<strong>und</strong>erstand option to combine two maps, and a more complex query system<br />

for advanced users. The basic option to combine maps allows for the<br />

selection of two maps from the atlas. The result will be a display of the<br />

compo<strong>und</strong> feature, consisting of all attested combinations of types from the<br />

two maps (with all options of customization as discussed above, in<br />

particular the possibility to create groups of types). The generation of such<br />

compo<strong>und</strong> features is extremely useful for research in the field of linguistic<br />

typology. In this kind of research, the interaction between different, often<br />

apparently independent, characteristics of languages is investigated. One<br />

can think of, for example, the cross-section of a question-word-fronting rule<br />

with a particular word order type, the existence of tone with the size of the<br />

consonant inventory, or the alignment type (accusative, ergative, activeinactive)<br />

with the head-dependent marking type. With the basic and easyto-use<br />

functionality of combining two maps, as supplied in the IRT, even<br />

technically unsophisticated users will be able to investigate such<br />

correlations.<br />

The option of performing more complex queries is also supplied in the<br />

IRT. Even this rather complex part of the program is designed to be used<br />

without prior intense study of a manual. Any combination of any number of<br />

structural characteristics from the available data can be generated with an<br />

easily <strong>und</strong>erstandable ‘select and click’ mechanism. Furthermore,<br />

geographical and genealogical information can also be included in such<br />

queries. Complex queries can be saved and used as filters for other queries.<br />

Such research possibilities, as allowed by the IRT, by far surpass<br />

everything else that is currently available for linguistic typology.<br />

3. Technology<br />

The IRT was developed as a standalone application for Macintosh and<br />

Windows platforms, based on the premise of a program that should be easy<br />

to use. After an exhaustive search for a suitable programming language the<br />

choice was made to draw on Macromedia’s Director and Flash, using the<br />

languages Lingo and Actionscript. Both languages are designated to handle<br />

multi-media based data in a fast and efficient way. Furthermore the IRT<br />

uses an in-built SQL server that provides all genealogical, geographical,<br />

linguistic, and bibliographical data. The structure with an in-built server<br />

was chosen for three reasons. First, the need for the installation of any<br />

additional software is avoided. Second, in this way there is fast access to the<br />


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