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mum (3 ~qnrlra;Og~m.or~~~n.olR6r?Qi""<br />

of drin h n fpPrnsbn U? the oititud't (fid k-'<br />

o&it. Thcq t h diCemntial pe-b r.*plT.' 'rxn lk? t'm<br />

omits pmit a phcsin3 ob the orbipn to trPm 3 " ' ~ : m~ tine.<br />

At tlw nmmprintc lime. with plnm fd;bm".!!. n oprn;?n<br />

&ti& for n erinin rino performs nn inarc-&rit t~nsfcr<br />

into its mgrccpiw mbbn orbit. R c p ~ TS'C~, h ttszwr,<br />

n;e r&d at hiah inclination ord. in F.1. >re zero for<br />

plar orbitq,. Thus. for high inclinotm m-!tdPntbn, Ihb<br />

appmh k mot prr;ctfrol.<br />

Lillisttc misilc&rimtivcs offer tlic pneibility of liirinchina<br />

in n mattcr of seconds if thcy arc mnintaintd on alert statun<br />

with thc~~tcllilc in thcsamcstatcofrcxdim~. Thisdtxsnnot<br />

sccm to tu! a ncccssary rcquircmcnt for trctttcnl situations. RI<br />

kirct in the near-term. sincc thcrc is a low pnhbility of thc<br />

rapid wntcrfora attack auumcd in t k ww of strategic<br />

ballistic misslb. A more rcmnahlc qpmh wr~lld tx to<br />

storc the whklcs umlrr conditions that wkl allcnw thcm to<br />

bc brought into R state of launch rcsdim in a matter of<br />

daysthcymldbc launchedondcmnndinomntterofhours<br />

ifdesircd.<br />

From the ultimate respnsivity of thc ballistic miwik-<br />

Ucrivatives, thc nat most mponsivc systcms arc the small.<br />

fkcd, rc!ocn!3blc. or mobilc launch sptcms. :It is ncticipntcd<br />

\hat thcserystcmscouldhe launchcd ina maltcrofdayswithbut<br />

a huge investment. Finally, the current medium and<br />

large launch vchicles haw long callup tima kmusc tky arc<br />

not dcsignd for high rcsponsivity or rccycb timcs. Tkrclorc<br />

itwM take n large inwstmcnt in launch sitc fdcililics lo<br />

bring their rcspnsivity into thc onc to two mck rang.<br />


Thcrc arc presently four nation-states tho1 ollcr routine<br />

global mninlinc spzoc launch scMccs: the llnitcd ~;tatcs,<br />

Europe. the Commonwealth of Indcpndcnt Stntcs. and the<br />

Pcoplm Wcpuhlic of China. Tcchnially, hpnn ~lso<br />

hraa R<br />

mainline launch systcm. the ti-I. Hcwcwr. this vctkle is<br />

currently king ph& out in favor of tttc id-2 and mmlc its<br />

last flight in Fchruary. 1992. Whcn the MI-2 trcwmcs i?#rS-<br />

IionRI. five nation-stotcs will k oblc to prcivide mainlinc<br />

launch =rviscs. HaYtvcr. diffmrltic; bziq urpr e n d<br />

with the IE-7 cryogenic fint-stitgc cnninc ran&! &lay the<br />

prrdkted 1993 initial launch capability Qnoe.<br />

19-3<br />

Q n corn3 r-YI R?Y-Ilbm<br />

5. U. U Wroifd .''Ea (US)<br />

Thz amnt LE noh?h IWR& oy&m frmilb imt& the<br />

Atk. kh, tr:d EpCmn PmPiPies. 'wrz Atlm. kltm. and<br />

Titon DB me pmdiutn kumC01 GhWm, 4th payW apbiliab<br />

Qf bCb3lZfl6,~ Old n,m b (am arrd 9,091 kd to<br />

EO. Wenvkr lift mpbility iil provided by tk Commercial<br />

Titan KUP and thz Tieon PV, which can lin closc to 48,OOU Ib<br />

(21.818 kcI) tQ mo.<br />

This ~ g of launch , xhkb is thc mat viablc for the high<br />

A second strntcgy is to launch the spmcmfl inlo tkc wmc emqy taxit mixiom, ita0 only kcmuse of payload capaaltitude<br />

as th mibn orbit. but at a I ~ZP inrlinmttnn. thus bility, but b u x t k nugpted stom-on-orbil stratcgy for<br />

cstahlishinn a relative regression rnte brrd cm the differen- thz 8E0 mtellitcs b oonsbtent with thcir current low<br />

tial inclination. n# plnncchange mnmwm to injm t k mpnw tima Titan I1 an currcntly tu flm only<br />

spncccnn into the mbkm orbit is a high cvtccrgy mnhtuwr, from t k wat amt launch site at Vandenberg Air Force Base<br />

h.cvcr. nnd the crew rcquircd incrcmo rnpklly re^ t k (VAFy3) in California. lk Dclta I1 an dclivcr Z10D Ib<br />

magnitude of Ow planc changc incrcam. T k plmtwhnnge (910 k ~ and ) tptt Atlas 11,310 Ib (1,410 kg) to GEO. For a<br />

mancuver imples tRt use of pmpcllnnt. &kti reduces Lp# 1,OlXl lb(455 Ir&mtcl9ite. this translates into about $25 M per<br />

number of 5iilcllitcs tho1 can bc manifaWd on D :in@ payW I~uncW m QI n time on Delta or thrcc at a timc on<br />

launch. A h l a m hstwcn plene chan,v nniJ ccocptmbh Atlas. white for lSIlI 18 (63'2 kg) aotellitcs, thcse numbcn<br />

rcgressbn time must be established to mahe efkctive use of b m e abut $50 M for a sin&lc satellite on klta and $40 M<br />

thc launch systcm performam.<br />

CPSCR for two wtellitcs on Atla. The viahility of launching<br />

multipk satellita to GEQ would haw to be aucsscd by the<br />

4.4 IaeoPrDP ClaSp~ori*onesss<br />

uscm, but it wukl appcar to tx a remnable npproach since<br />

A funkr n>nsidcration is thc launch systcm wspncivcncs. thcrc arc thrcc GEO mbions idcntifwd. and. in any case,<br />

For tnmt mL.k>ns. tkrc is an impliciition oPhidh mponsiv- silcnt spam can be dcploycd if suficicnt cxwss bocxtcr<br />

ityofthcsatcllitcsystcm.hothonthcgmurrisan~loncc it kin capability cxists. Tk benefit of amtrolling satellite wight,<br />

orhit. In Mition to bunchingthc fin1 sstcllifc ritpdly, thcrc without cornpromking mission capability. is apparcnt.<br />

is thc issuc of Iauxh rcpctition ratc rquircmriiL5 (thc nccd<br />

to rcld thc sptcm) This may he sold with dditionarl<br />

Fiyre 1 summarim the payload apabilitics of the currcnt<br />

stomp. tcst and launch pad facilitics. or n) id recycling of<br />

US mcdium and largc mainline upcndablc launch !;hicks<br />

thc pad. or mat pmhably a aimhination o P kith. In cvcry to various orbib of intcrcst nd xvcral othcr characteristics.<br />

W. tDrc marc mponsivity rcquid. the hiBhcr tk .such as payload acmmmcdatiofi. rcliability. and cost per<br />

non-recurring cost for fxilitics and cquipmcnt nnd tk<br />

'flight. lsunch rate capacity circa 1995 U idso shown.<br />

highcr rccurnngcoat for manpcnvcr RMI mnintcnnnoe. 'li&<br />

studics ntcd to tu mdc when launch rcipnsivcncs.<br />

rrquircmencs arc bcttcr dcfincd.<br />

A<br />

a<br />

,:SI :z I ::E I a* I ::.z I<br />

Figure 1. Cumnt US Malnllne Launch Systems<br /> lklta /.mi?, of vehicles<br />

'Thc Dclta family of whiclcs was dcrivcd from Ihc Thor<br />

lntcrmcdiate Rangc Elallistic Missile (IRDM) by adding scv-<br />

eralsmall Solid Rocket Moton(SRMs)and thc l')clta sccnnd<br />

slaae. Deltas arc uxd to launch payloads into GEO and<br />

LEO from Eastern Tat Rangc (ETR) lnunch complcxcs<br />

IXJ-I'IA and K-17D; and to polar orbit from thc Wcslcrn<br />

Tat RmEe (W)spasc launch complex SIX-2 The apa-<br />

bilitlrn have atorw, through a wries of upgradcs. The primc<br />

conlrmor for tk klto family of whiclcs is McDonncll<br />

Douglas, Huntington Beach. California.<br />

TRS Ik:lla 11 wm wtecld M) the Air Fora Mcdium lnunch<br />

Vehick I (NUN-I) o d U cumntly used for launching the

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