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covering a variety of scenes, asses 1:~ kncfits of<br />

ljmcly, mctsium resoltition MSI, pmvid.: an interim<br />

uaty monitoring capability, and Imrniliiarizc military<br />

USCIS wih tasking , dircct conml and dcS c !QlOilauOn.<br />

. vAcIc(usI M<br />

An opcrational TacSat systcm must grovidr h high lcvcl<br />

of dcprndability and timcly acccSs lo &la. The numkr<br />

of satclliacs availablc dircctly dribcs IRc system's ability<br />

to satisfy thcsc nccds. A singlc salcllitc can only<br />

providc a fcw opportunitics pcr day to imagc a givcn<br />

mgct arm. If thcrc nrc: conflicting drnler Pcquircmcnls<br />

from multiplc largcts in a givcn gcognpnic arca, or if<br />

thcrc mc sgccific timc windows or other constraints, a<br />

singlc atcllitc may not pmvidc timcly sopport. Ih<br />

addition. Ihc dcpcndability of a singlc satcllitc will<br />

always be at risk. Thcrcforc:. it is vcry likcly that an<br />

opcrational TacSat systcm will rcquirc, in somc way,<br />

multiplc sotcllitcq. This nccd can bc satisfied in (r c of<br />

two ways, and sclcction will bc hcuvily offcctcd by thc<br />

launch copbilitics that cmcrgc in thc ncxt fcW yars.<br />

If a quick rcaction launch systcm bccomes availablc, a<br />

flcxiblc approach to a TacSat capability, whcn and<br />

whcrc it is nccdcd, would bc practical. Salcllitcs and<br />

launch vchiclcs could bc storcd for call-up and launch<br />

in days whcn a sccurity cmcrgcncy rcquircs support.<br />

To mintdin rcadincss, a satcllitc would masiwally bc<br />

launchcd undcr cxcrcisc conditions. Thcsc would<br />

providc a lcvcl of continuous capability for non-crisis<br />

activitics, such as training and m ty monitoring. With<br />

this capability. satcllitcs could bc launchcd into<br />

situation-specific orbits to incrcasc thc availablc<br />

covcngc for a givcn cmcrgcncy.<br />

T'ie abscncc of a quick rcaction launch systcm would<br />

lad to a diffcrcnt stntcgy. This scenario would bc<br />

xrvcd by in-place TacSats, forming a pcrmancnt<br />

constcllation. Hcrc, thc sarcllitcs would &: in gcncral<br />

purpose orbils covcring thc cuth. A set of near-polar<br />

sun-synchronous orbits would ttc likely. For covcragc<br />

and dcpcndability, the constcllation would consi!.l of<br />

two of lhrcc satcllilcs. Thcir phasing would bc diffc rcnl<br />

but altitudc and inclination would bc similar. Assunling<br />

current boostcrs. the conccpt is to launch the cntirc<br />

constcllation on a singlc mcdium boostcr. A similar<br />

launch every fcw ycars allows for planncd rcglaccmcnt,<br />

cmstcllation cnhanccmcnt or capability upgdcs.<br />

Initiating a Dcm-Val proccss for TacSots dws not<br />

rcquirc an early answcr to thc qucstim of how an<br />

opention?! :system will be dcployd md launchcd.<br />

Then is a good chance bat Lhc IRIDIUM program's<br />

i<br />

0<br />

31-11<br />

O&M rqui&men(s will provide the foundation for h<br />

quick mtion launch system with sdcqualc capability<br />

for TncSlat use. If this docs not occur, thc permanent<br />

consellation of multiply launchcd mtcllitcs can satisfy<br />

operational needs with existing launch vchiclcs.<br />

Wc now have thc opportunity to providc our military<br />

Corccs with 8 cost cffcctivc forcc multiplicr. This<br />

opportunity exisls because:<br />

1) Military organiiations arc laming how dala from<br />

spacc can be used to cnhancc thc cffcctivcncss of<br />

cxisting and planncd forcc svuclurcs.<br />

2) Thc tcchnologics nccdcd for smallcr. vcry capable<br />

survcillancc satcllitcs cxist, gcncrally off-thc-shclf.<br />

3) Commcrcidl spxc programs and various govcmmcnt<br />

dcvclopmcnts arc providing thc cconomic<br />

foundation that will makc most kcy TacSat systcm<br />

clcmcnts available at affordable costs.<br />

Thc singlc major unfundcd dcvclopmcnt rcquircd<br />

kforc iaunch of thc first TacSat is for thc scnsor.<br />

Undcrtaking that dcvclopmcnt would allow<br />

dcmonsmtioa of thc tactical bcncfits of multi-spccual<br />

imagcry and lcad to the introduction of growing<br />

apabilitics To? military suppon from spxc.<br />

In an unstablc global sccurity transition cra, flcxiblc,<br />

multi-purposc spncc assct~ arc csscntinl. Multi-spccual<br />

imaging offcrs lactical uscrs cnhsnccd capabilitics not<br />

currcntly availablc. A uscr taskcd, multi-rolc MSI<br />

Scnsor and spacccraft can form a practical TacSat<br />

systcm. Thc prcmisc for and thc validity of TacSats<br />

havr bccn subslantiatcd barcd on thc tcchnical analysis<br />

ptescned. It is thc aulhors' opinion that TacSats should<br />

bc implcmcntcd with a scnsc of national and allicd<br />

wgcncy and ncccssity.<br />

LMSC & BA&H undcr AFSSD Conuact #M4701-89-<br />

C-0088, ' Octobcr 1990.<br />

S. & V.M. Kilston & Capt. T.F. Utch. USAF. Small<br />

First Intcmational Symposium on Small Satcllitcs<br />

Systcms and Scrviccs, Arachon. Francc. Junc 1992.<br />

T.C. Lcisgang & M.D. Bcnz. U w -<br />

v,<br />

. . AIAA-92-1952, 14th<br />

AIAA Intcmational Communications Satcllitc Systcms<br />

Confcrcncc. April. 1992.<br />

Significant portions of thc tcchnical content of this<br />

paper originated from work donc for thc USAF Spacc<br />

Systcms Division's RESERVES study. Thc authors<br />

spprocia~c<br />

the contributions IO hat cffon by:<br />

Capt. T. Utsch USAF<br />

W. S. Kilslon LMSC<br />

Ms. V.M. Kilston LMSC<br />

Mr. J. KcRm LMSC<br />

Mr. M. Rhynard Bm.. Allen Rr Hnmilton Ins.

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