Machshavot HaLev - Yeshivat Lev HaTorah

Machshavot HaLev - Yeshivat Lev HaTorah

Machshavot HaLev - Yeshivat Lev HaTorah


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124<br />

Vayakhel<br />

Time and Space<br />

Rav Michael Siev<br />

A fter B’nei Yisrael demonstrate an overwhelming response to Moshe’s call for<br />

contributions to the mishkan, Moshe sends word that people should refrain from<br />

making any further donations. Interestingly, the Gemara in Shabbat (96b) considers<br />

this pasuk (36:6) an allusion to the melacha of hotza’ah, carrying an object from one<br />

type of domain to another on Shabbat. According to this Gemara, it seems as though<br />

our parsha is the source for the melacha of hotza’ah.<br />

However, as Rav Ya’akov Kamenetsky (Emet Le-Ya’akov, 36:6) notes, this is quite<br />

difficult to understand. B’nei Yisrael have already been commanded to keep Shabbat<br />

by refraining from melacha. This command was issued as part of the Aseret Hadibrot,<br />

and the Gemara (Sanhedrin 56b) says that it even preceded Matan Torah;<br />

when Hashem gave us “chok u-mishpat” at Mara, one of those mitzvot was Shabbat<br />

(see Shemot 15:25 with Rashi). Why wouldn’t hotza’ah be included in the original<br />

command to keep Shabbat?<br />

Rav Ya’akov explains that the gradual introduction of the laws of Shabbat were part<br />

of a gradual process of educating the Jewish people. At Mara, Hashem sweetened the<br />

bitter waters in a miraculous way, demonstrating that He controls nature, created the<br />

world and continues to create new realities. That was the perfect time to introduce<br />

the melachot of Shabbat, which call for man to take a timeout from his own creative<br />

activity in this world in order to focus on spiritual creativity and to remind himself<br />

that it is God who actually creates worlds.

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