Machshavot HaLev - Yeshivat Lev HaTorah

Machshavot HaLev - Yeshivat Lev HaTorah

Machshavot HaLev - Yeshivat Lev HaTorah


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240<br />

Parshat Shekalim<br />

Partnerships and Juggernauts<br />

Rav Jake Vidomlanski<br />

T he mishna in Megilla (29a) writes that on the Shabbat prior to Rosh Chodesh<br />

Adar we read Parashat Shekalim - the first of the four parshiot (Shekalim, Zachor,<br />

Parah, Hachodesh). Hence this week in shuls around the world we will take out two<br />

sifrei Torah (assuming there are two); in the first we will read the weekly portion of<br />

Pikudei and in the second we’ll read from Parashat Ki Tisa (Shemot 30:11-16). In the<br />

time of the Beit Hamikdash there was a yearly obligation incumbent upon all members<br />

of Klal Yisrael to contribute a half shekel towards the purchasing of korbanot tzibbur<br />

(public sacrifices; daily offerings as well as the korbanot mussaf). Starting with Rosh<br />

Chodesh Nissan, korbanot tzibbur had to be financed from the newly collected funds.<br />

As such, large collection points were set up during the month of Adar to gather the<br />

funds. Therefore, prior to Rosh Chodesh Adar, Parashat Shekalim, which details the<br />

obligation to contribute a half shekel, was read. This would serve as a reminder to the<br />

people to contribute their share. Today, sadly, we lack the Beit Hamikdash; nevertheless<br />

we continue to read Parashat Shekalim as a zecher la-mikdash.<br />

Parashat Shekalim opens with the words “Ki-tisa et rosh B’nei Yisrael.” The common<br />

and indeed intended translation is “when you take the census of the people of Israel.”<br />

However we cannot ignore the language invoked, “ki-tisa.” The word “tisa” in Hebrew<br />

means to lift up. Chazal in the Gemara (Bava Batra 10b), sensitive to the precise<br />

language of the text, state that this mitzvah has the ability to elevate the Jewish people.<br />

One must wonder what about this particular mitzvah has the ability to elevate the

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