Machshavot HaLev - Yeshivat Lev HaTorah

Machshavot HaLev - Yeshivat Lev HaTorah

Machshavot HaLev - Yeshivat Lev HaTorah


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73<br />

Firstly, God tells Abraham:<br />

בלה תובשחמ<br />

--ם ָתֹא וּנּ ִע ְו ,םוּד ָב ֲע ַו ,ם ֶה ָל אלֹ ץ ֶר ֶא ְבּ ךָ ֲע ְר ַז ה ֶי ְה ִי ר ֵג-י ִכּ ע ַד ֵתּ ַעֹד ָי ,ם ָר ְב ַא ְל ר ֶמאֹיּ ַו<br />

.לוֹד ָגּ שׁ ֻכ ְר ִבּ ,וּא ְצ ֵי ן ֵכ-י ֵר ֲח ַא ְו ;י ִכֹנ ָא ן ָדּ ,וּדֹב ֲע ַי ר ֶשׁ ֲא יוֹגּ ַה-ת ֶא ם ַג ְו .ה ָנ ָשׁ ,תוֹא ֵמ ע ַבּ ְר ַא<br />

And He said to Abram, “Know with certainty that your offspring<br />

shall be sojourners in a land not their own, they will enslave them,<br />

and they will oppress them four hundred years. And also the nation<br />

that will enslave them, I shall punish, and afterwards they shall leave<br />

with great possessions.” (Gen. 15:13-14)<br />

Similarly, in our parsha, Jacob is told: ה ָד ְר ֵמ א ָרי ִתּ-ל ַא ;ךָי ִב ָא י ֵהלֹ ֱא ל ֵא ָה י ִכֹנ ָא ,ר ֶמאֹיּ ַו<br />

.ם ָשׁ ךָ ְמי ִשׂ ֲא לוֹד ָגּ יוֹג ְל-י ִכּ ,ה ָמ ְי ַר ְצ ִמ “And He said, “I am the God – God of your father.<br />

Do you not be afraid of descending to Egypt, for I shall establish you as a great<br />

nation there (Gen. 46:3). In both cases, God comforts the forefathers by promising<br />

that, at the end, the nation would end up benefiting from the experience, and<br />

would not stay in Egypt forever.<br />

Secondly, God tells Abraham: ה ָבוֹט ה ָבי ֵשׂ ְבּ ,ר ֵב ָקּ ִתּ :םוֹל ָשׁ ְבּ ,ךָי ֶתֹב ֲא-ל ֶא אוֹב ָתּ ה ָתּ ַא ְו; “And<br />

you shall come to your ancestors in peace; you shall be buried in a good old age<br />

(Gen. 15:15).” We read similarly in our parsha: ךָ ְל ַע ַא ,י ִכֹנ ָא ְו ,ה ָמ ְי ַר ְצ ִמ ךָ ְמּ ִע ד ֵר ֵא ,י ִכֹנ ָא<br />

.ךָי ֶני ֵע-ל ַע וֹד ָי תי ִשׁ ָי ,ף ֵסוֹי ְו ;הלֹ ָע-ם ַג; “I shall descend with you to Egypt, and I shall also<br />

surely bring you up; and Joseph shall place his hand on your eyes” (Gen. 46:4.<br />

On a personal level, the forefathers were promised that their lives would end<br />

peacefully.<br />

We can learn a lesson from here. The idea is that Hashem promised Abraham<br />

our forefather, that there would be tzoros in the beginning, but at the end, things<br />

worked out very well because everything else came true, and the same for Jacob.<br />

Therefore, whenever things are not going so well for us, we should look forward<br />

to the end and always stay happy, because if we are doing the right thing, Hashem<br />

will reward us in the end for the hard work. Therefore, םימשבש וניבא ינפלמ ןוצר יהי<br />

that we should all see the good in things and always be content and happy with<br />

what we have, to notice all the miracles that Hashem does for us every single<br />

second and that we are Jewish – ונ ֵת ׁשָּ ֻר ְי ה ָפ ָיּ ה ַמ ,וּנ ֵל ָרוֹגּ םי ִע ָנּ ה ַמ ,וּנ ֵק ְל ֶח בוֹטּ ה ַמ ,וּני ֵר ְשׁ ַא –<br />

“We are fortunate, how good is our portion, how pleasant our lot, how beautiful<br />

our heritage!”

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