Machshavot HaLev - Yeshivat Lev HaTorah

Machshavot HaLev - Yeshivat Lev HaTorah

Machshavot HaLev - Yeshivat Lev HaTorah


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190<br />

Balak<br />

Live as a Jew<br />

Rav Eyal Gottlieb<br />

I n this week’s sedra we encounter Bilam, a man of great spiritual powers, but<br />

one that continuously desires to use his spiritual powers to harm and damage others.<br />

Instead of trying to use his skills to teach and to educate, to speak up for holiness<br />

and for goodness, he tries to use his powers to curse and thereby to help annihilate<br />

Klal Yisrael. Naturally, the question arises, why would Hashem grant such great<br />

spiritual power to such an evil and ruthless individual? Our Sages (Sifri, end of Sefer<br />

Devarim) teach us that Hashem actually wished to show the nations that indeed, you<br />

had prophets of your own, but instead of using them to advance spiritually, even your<br />

prophet(s) were wicked and used their power in a negative manner.<br />

As we know, Hashem transformed Bilam’s words to be words of respect and love<br />

toward Am Yisrael in general, and specifically toward Am Yisrael’s Godly values of<br />

purity, holiness, tznius, goodness etc., as he expressed, “How goodly are your tents, O<br />

Jacob, your dwelling places O Israel….” (24:5), and “May my soul die the death of the<br />

upright, and may my end be like his” (23:10).<br />

The Chofetz Chaim expounded that although Bilam wished to die as a Jew, he wasn’t<br />

willing to make the effort necessary to live like a Jew. He wanted to attain the madreiga<br />

(level) of a Jew and to benefit from it in the World to Come without earning it naturally<br />

through toil and effort in this world; but it is the toil and effort that produce spiritual<br />


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