Machshavot HaLev - Yeshivat Lev HaTorah

Machshavot HaLev - Yeshivat Lev HaTorah

Machshavot HaLev - Yeshivat Lev HaTorah


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בלה תובשחמ<br />

will follow my instructions” (16:4). Similarly in Devarim it refers to the purpose<br />

of the man as being “in order to teach that man does not live on bread alone,<br />

rather, man lives by whatever God commands” (Devarim 8:3).<br />

(4) Refidim – once again the Jewish nation runs out of water and the complaints<br />

come piling in to Moshe. Moshe is told to go to Chorev and hit the rock that will<br />

bring forth water. Am Yisrael are forced to travel from Refidim to Chorev, which<br />

is the future site of Har Sinai and Matan Torah. Matan Torah becomes not only<br />

the source for spiritual sustenance but the source of even the most basic physical<br />

existence.<br />

(5) The War with Amalek – The young, battered, tired nation is attacked by<br />

the mighty nation of Amalek. Moshe Rabbeinu is commanded to ascend the<br />

“hill” (according to Ibn Ezra this hill is Har Sinai) and to raise his hands. The<br />

Jewish people learn from this: when they look up at the hands of Moshe they have<br />

salvation and when they look down they are defeated (17:11). As the Gemara in<br />

Rosh Hashana (29a) teaches, when we look up to God for salvation it will come,<br />

but when we look to man for salvation there will not be salvation. This is the final<br />

lesson in the Midbar regarding “Ani Hashem,” the lesson that we could not learn<br />

in Mitzrayim itself.<br />

We should all be zocheh to see through the smallness and shackles of slavery and<br />

to obey and live with the message of “Ani Hashem!”

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