Machshavot HaLev - Yeshivat Lev HaTorah

Machshavot HaLev - Yeshivat Lev HaTorah

Machshavot HaLev - Yeshivat Lev HaTorah


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199<br />

Pinchas<br />

Seeing is Possessing<br />

Rav Yehoshua Paltiel<br />

:לארשי ינבל יתתנ רשא ץראה תא הארו הזה םירבעה רה לא הלע השמ לא ’ה רמאיו<br />

)גי-בי:זכ רבדמב( :ךיחא ןרהא ףסאנ רשאכ התא םג ךימע לא תפסאנו התא התיארו<br />

And Hashem said to Moshe, “Ascend this Mount Ivrim and see the land<br />

that I have given to the Children of Israel. You shall see it and then be<br />

gathered unto your people as well, just as your brother Aharon was<br />

gathered.” (Bamidbar 27:12-13)<br />

Rav Sinai Adler of Mevasaret Tzion in his sefer Dvar Sinai asks why the idea of Moshe<br />

Rabbeinu seeing the land is mentioned twice. And why is the first verb of seeing in<br />

the command form whereas the second is in the future? And why is it necessary for<br />

Hashem to add the obvious words ‘that I have given to the Children of Israel’?<br />

Rav Sinai answers that the two ‘seeings’ served two different purposes and were<br />

therefore worded differently. The first was a command to Moshe to see the land,<br />

and this was necessary to enable B’nei Yisrael to conquer and acquire the Land of<br />

Israel. The next verse describes the future history, what is about to happen; that after<br />

performing this last act on behalf of his beloved flock, Moshe would then be gathered<br />

to his people.<br />

The question remains, however, what about Moshe Rabbeinu’s seeing the land enables<br />

the Jewish People to take possession of it? This Rav Sinai answers in his comments to<br />

Devarim (3:25), Parashat Va’etchanan, on the verses:

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