Machshavot HaLev - Yeshivat Lev HaTorah

Machshavot HaLev - Yeshivat Lev HaTorah

Machshavot HaLev - Yeshivat Lev HaTorah


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194<br />

Pinchas<br />

Pinchas: A Radical Act of Obedience<br />

Rav Asher Friedman<br />

P inchas’ stunning act of violent protest at Kozby and Zimri’s public immorality is<br />

rewarded at the beginning of our parasha. “I hereby grant you My covenant of peace,”<br />

God proclaims (25:12). Originally outside the lineage of the kohanim, Pinchas is<br />

reassigned and receives a share of the priestly duties.<br />

On the one hand, the justice of this reward is clear. In a moment of crisis, as all<br />

structures of spiritual commitment and morality in the Jewish camp crumbled, and<br />

as God’s punishment, the plague, reared its terrifying head, Pinchas stepped into the<br />

breach and in one brief act put an end to the chaos. Of course his moral clarity and<br />

courage deserve reward.<br />

But from another perspective, Pinchas’ act and its subsequent reward are deeply<br />

troubling. Both the pesukim and the elaboration on the part of Chazal indicate that<br />

his act was not required or perhaps even fully permitted by the normal rubric of<br />

halacha. Normally, a person committing a consensual act of sexual immorality is<br />

brought to trial and only then punished. Pinchas’ violence was an expression of the<br />

halachic concept of kana’in pogin bo, which by definition involves an act outside the<br />

jurisdiction of law. Rashi explains that in a situation of public betrayal of God like that<br />

of Kozby and Zimri, if one asks a court for permission to stop them with violence, the<br />

court may not permit it. But if one acts out of a passionate desire to defend the honor<br />

of God, without asking for halachic permission, it is viewed as an act of greatness.<br />

In other words, in the case of kana’in pogin bo, the validity of the act depends on the

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