Kanitzia 18. - NYME Természettudományi Kar - Nyugat ...

Kanitzia 18. - NYME Természettudományi Kar - Nyugat ...

Kanitzia 18. - NYME Természettudományi Kar - Nyugat ...


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as well on ruderal places around railway, along Portului Street, and the surroundings of<br />

Galaţi-Larga station, IX 2006 [I, IAGB, IASI] (SÎRBU C. & OPREA 2008: 46-47). IS: Gara<br />

Socola [I, IASI] (SÎRBU C. & OPREA 1998: 91, 93), Gara Socola - Iaşi railway Station,<br />

47°08′41.0″N, 27°37′05.1″N, alt. 42 m, IX 2009 & IV-VI 2010 (OPREA & SÎRBU 2010: 296).<br />

193. Groenlandia densa (L.) Fourr. (Potamogeton densus L.) /POT/ – Compared to the<br />

old information, summarized in the Romanian Flora 11 (ŢOPA 1966: 82), we have also got<br />

new information from the Danube Delta (NEAGU-GODEANU 1973). In our opinion, the plant<br />

still remains doubtful for Romania, MH: "Cazanele Mari (faleza)" (MATACĂ 2001: 52;<br />

MATACĂ 2005: 250). It “grows in clean, fast flowing waters” (ŢOPA 1966: 82).<br />

194. Gymleucorchis ×strampfii (Ascherson) Kümpel (Gymnadenia odoratissima × Leucorchis<br />

albida) /ORC/ – BV: Muntele Piatra Craiului (Királykő, Königstein), Padina Popii,<br />

1970, H. Kümpel (KÜMPEL 1978: 353).<br />

195. Gypsophila elegans Bieb. /CRY/ – IS: 2 km W of Podul Iloaiei (RĂVĂRUŢ et al. 1961: 135).<br />

196. Hammarbya paludosa (L.) Kuntze – CJ & AB (CIOCÂRLAN 2009: 945). CJ: Muntele<br />

Mare, Valea Ierii /Alsójára/ (PAUCĂ & BELDIE 1972: 750). AB: Runc /Runk/ în Cheile Runcului<br />

(PAUCĂ & BELDIE 1972: 750). MS: "Tăul de la Fărăgău /Faragói tó/ [TMMJ], old indications<br />

from CJ and AB is doubtful" (KISS-SZÉKELY 1983: 131; KISS-SZÉKELY & al. 1988:<br />

323; KOHL 1991: 214).<br />

197. Heliotropium dolosum De Not. (Heliotropium ellpiticum Ledeb.) /BOR/ – Based on<br />

former information TL: ″especially in the mountain area ″ (BRANDZA 1898), it was marked<br />

as uncertain in the Romania Flora (GUŞULEAC 1960: 198). After 1960, the plant was mentioned<br />

in various places: TL: Măcin, VI 1963, M. Andrei [BUC 241.081]; ″On the stony<br />

sides of the Pricopan Peak” (ANDREI 1963: 52). Delta Danubii, Portiţa, 21 VII 1972, leg.<br />

G. Negrean [BUCA] (DIHORU & NEGREAN 1976: 229). Greci (VIŢALARIU & MITITIUC 1989:<br />

76). Denis-Tepe et Priopcea (ANDREI 1963: 52). Podişul Babadag (DIHORU& DONIŢĂ 1970:<br />

60). CT: In silva Hagieni (ŢECULESCU & CRISTUREAN 1967). Chorology: DIHORU & NEG-<br />

REAN 2009: 277.<br />

198. Heracleum sosnowskyi Manden. – BV: Prejmer, alt. 550 m, 1975-2000, naturalized<br />

(MĂRUŞCĂ & POP 2001: 149).<br />

199. Hesperis dinarica G. Beck (Hesperis dinarica subsp. slovaca Dvorák; Hesperis<br />

romineaca F. Dvorák (syn. Hesperis dinarica subsp. slovaca Dvorák in Preslia 35: 243,<br />

1963, pro parte - Hesperis nivea auct., non Baumg. e. g. Nyár. in FR 3: 89. 1955 p. p.)<br />

/BRA/ – MM: HOLOTYPUS: Mons Nagy-Pietrosz, 1906, leg. Filárszky & S. Jávorka [BP<br />

75.759; 75.766; BPU; LE, rev. Tzvelev, pro H. nivea Baumg.] (DVOŘÁK 1963: 243). Munţii<br />

Rodnei, Pietrosul Mare, Valea Bucuiescu [Holo LE], neoendemit (DVOŘÁK 1965: 1; NEG-<br />

REAN 1987: 450). Chorology: (AFE 2260) (JALAS et al. 1996).<br />

200. Hesperis pycnotricha Borbás & Degen /BRA/ – MH: Gura Motrului (COSTACHE<br />

2005: 22, new to Romania), in the margins of agricultural field, 44°55′N, 23°25′E, 22 V<br />

2004, I. Costache [CRAI] (CIOCÂRLAN & COSTACHE 2006: 97), idem [IGB] (OPREA 2005:<br />

115).<br />

201. Hieracium echioides Lumn. subsp. procerum (Fr.) P. D. Sell /AST/ – TL: Munţii<br />

Măcin, Culmea Pricopan [BUAG 23.153] (CIOCÂRLAN 1999: 158).<br />

202. Hieracium praebiharicum Boros /AST/ – AB: Poşaga de Sus /Felső Padság/, alt. 500<br />


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