Chronologische - Ethikseite

Chronologische - Ethikseite

Chronologische - Ethikseite


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2010 [88] Hernandez, Jill Graper (2010): Impermissibility and Kantian Moral Worth, Ethical Theory and<br />

Moral Practice 13, S. 403–19. 30<br />

2010 [89] Hill, Jr., Thomas E. (2010): Kant’s Tugendlehre as Normative Ethics, in Kant’s Metaphysics<br />

of Morals. A Critical Guide, hrsg. von Lara Denis, Cambridge, S. 234–55.<br />

2010 [90] Hoche, Hans-Ulrich/Knoop, Michael (2010): Logical Relations Between Kant’s Categorical<br />

Imperative and the Two Golden Rules, Jahrbuch für Recht und Ethik 18, S. 483–518.<br />

2010 [91] Höffe, Otfried (2010): Kant’s Innate Right as a Rational Criterion for Human Rights, in Kant’s<br />

Metaphysics of Morals. A Critical Guide, hrsg. von Lara Denis, Cambridge, S. 71–92.<br />

2010 [92] Johnson, Robert N. (2010): Duties to and Regarding to Others, in Kant’s Metaphysics of<br />

Morals. A Critical Guide, hrsg. von Lara Denis, Cambridge, S. 192–209.<br />

2010 [93] Kain, Patrick (2010): Duties Regarding Animals, in Kant’s Metaphysics of Morals. A Critical<br />

Guide, hrsg. von Lara Denis, Cambridge, S. 210–33.<br />

2010 [94] Kain, Patrick (2010): Practical Cognition, Intuition, and the Fact of Reason, in Kant’s Moral<br />

Metaphysics. God, Freedom, and Immortality, hrsg. von Benjamin J. Bruxvoort<br />

Lipscomb und James Krueger, Berlin, S. 211–30.<br />

2010 [95] Keller, Pierre (2010): Two Conceptions of Compatibilism in the Critical Elucidation, in Kant’s<br />

Critique of Practical Reason. A Critical Guide, hrsg. von Andrews Reath und Jens<br />

Timmermann, Cambridge, S. 119–45.<br />

2010 [96] Kleingeld, Pauline (2010): Moral Consciousness and the ‘Fact of Reason’, in Kant’s Critique<br />

of Practical Reason. A Critical Guide, hrsg. von Andrews Reath und Jens<br />

Timmermann, Cambridge, S. 55–72.<br />

2010 [97] Klemme, Heiner F. (2010): The Origin and Aim of Kant’s Critique of Practical Reason, in<br />

Kant’s Critique of Practical Reason. A Critical Guide, hrsg. von Andrews Reath und<br />

Jens Timmermann, Cambridge, S. 11–30.<br />

2010 [98] Kuehn, Manfred (2010): Kant’s Metaphysics of Morals: The History and Significance of Its<br />

Deferral, in Kant’s Metaphysics of Morals. A Critical Guide, hrsg. von Lara Denis,<br />

Cambridge, S. 9–27.<br />

2010 [99] Lipscomb, Benjamin J. Bruxvoort/Krueger, James (Hrsg.) (2010): Kant’s Moral Metaphysics.<br />

God, Freedom, and Immortality, Berlin.<br />

have to prepare for virtuous conduct that are different from simply fulfilling specific duties of virtue, and<br />

that in so doing he describes an important element of the moral life.”<br />

30 “Samuel Kerstein argues that an asymmetry between moral worth and maxims prevents Kant from<br />

accepting a category of acts that are impermissible, but have moral worth. Kerstein contends that an act<br />

performed from the motive of duty should be considered as a candidate for moral worth, even if the action’s<br />

maxim turns out to be impermissible, since moral worth depends on the correct moral motivation of an act,<br />

rather than on the moral rightness of an act. I argue that Kant cannot consistently maintain that there are<br />

morally forbidden, though good, acts since one of the conditions of acting from the moral law should be that<br />

one has a true belief about what the moral law requires. My project, then, rejects the possibility of morally<br />

impermissible, worthy acts for Kant, and qualifies the conditions for moral worth Kerstein gives with an<br />

epistemological constraint on moral worth.”

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