Chronologische - Ethikseite

Chronologische - Ethikseite

Chronologische - Ethikseite


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S. 485–502. 132<br />

2002 [552] Lawrence, Joseph P. (2002): Radical Evil and Kant’s Turn to Religion, Journal of Value<br />

Inquiry 36, S. 319–35.<br />

2002 [553] Leyva, Gustavo (2002): Notizen zur neueren Rezeption der kantischen Ethik in der angloamerikanischen<br />

Philosophie, Philosophische Rundschau 49, S. 290–304.<br />

2002 [554] Ludwig, Bernd (2002): Whence Public Right? The Role of Theoretical and Practical Reasoning<br />

in Kant’s Doctrine of Right, in Kant’s Metaphysics of Morals. Interpretative Essays,<br />

hrsg. von Mark Timmons, Oxford, S. 159–84.<br />

2002 [555] Makkreel, Rudolf A. (2002): Reflective Judgment and the Problem of Assessing Virtue in<br />

Kant, Journal of Value Inquiry 36, S. 205–20.<br />

2002 [556] Melnick, Arthur (2002): Kant’s Formulations of the Categorical Imperative, Kant-Studien 93,<br />

S. 291–308. Wiederabgedruckt in Melnick, Themes in Kant’s Metaphysics and Ethics,<br />

Washington, D.C. 2004, S. 229–48.<br />

2002 [557] Munzel, G. Felicitas (2002): “Doctrine of Method” and “Closing” (151–163), in Immanuel<br />

Kant, Kritik der praktischen Vernunft, hrsg. von Otfried Höffe, Berlin, S. 203–17.<br />

2002 [558] O’Neill, Onora (2002): Instituting Principles: Between Duty and Action, in Kant’s<br />

Metaphysics of Morals. Interpretative Essays, hrsg. von Mark Timmons, Oxford, S.<br />

331–48.<br />

2002 [559] O’Neill, Onora (2002): Autonomy and the Fact of Reason in the Kritik der praktischen<br />

Vernunft (§§ 7–8, 30–41), in Immanuel Kant, Kritik der praktischen Vernunft, hrsg.<br />

von Otfried Höffe, Berlin, S. 81–97.<br />

2002 [560] Paley, John (2002): Virtues of Autonomy: The Kantian Ethics of Care, Nursing Philosophy: An<br />

International Journal for Healthcare Professionals 3, S. 133–143.<br />

2002 [561] Pasternack, Lawrence (2002): Intrinsic Value and Moral Overridingness in Kant’s<br />

Groundwork, Southwest Philosophy Review 18, S. 113–121.<br />

2002 [562] Pieper, Annemarie (2002): Zweites Hauptstück (57–71), in Immanuel Kant, Kritik der praktischen<br />

Vernunft, hrsg. von Otfried Höffe, Berlin, S. 115–33. – ‘On the Concept of an<br />

Object of Pure Practical Reason’ (Chapter 2 of the Analytic of Practical Reason), in<br />

Kant’s Moral and Legal Philosophy, hrsg. von Karl Ameriks und Otfried Höffe,<br />

Cambridge 2009, S. 179–97.<br />

2002 [563] Pogge, Thomas W. (2002): Is Kant’s Rechtslehre a ‘Comprehensive Liberalism’?, in Kant’s<br />

Metaphysics of Morals. Interpretative Essays, hrsg. von Mark Timmons, Oxford, S.<br />

133–58.<br />

132 “Here are two widespread responses to Kant’s categorical imperative. On one hand, one might note the<br />

absence of detailed rational derivation. On the other hand, even someone who maintains some skepticism is<br />

likely to have a sense that (nevertheless) there is something to Kant’s central ideas. The recommended<br />

solution is analysis of elements of the categorical imperative. Their appeal turns out to have different<br />

sources. One aspect of the first formulation rests on the logic of normative utterances. But others can be<br />

justified only in terms of their contributions to desirable functionings of a moral order.”

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