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Untitled - Awaken Video


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Chapter 6. The Sky 145<br />

they could age albeit very slowly, and are kept youthful only by eating the apples<br />

of the giantess/ Goddess, Iðunn, wife of the God of Poetry, Bragi. They also knew<br />

that their Gods held no immunity against death. Balder, son of Óðínn and Frigg,<br />

was killed by the blind God, Höð, burnt on the funeral pyre, and now resides in the<br />

underworld Halls of Hel, Goddess of the Land of the Dead. Ragnarök, the battle<br />

that will destroy the Universe at the end of time will bring many of the great Gods<br />

to the end of their lives.<br />

How different from the all-powerful God of the Christians. So different, in fact,<br />

that one of the great ecclesiastical questions supposedly to help convince the Heathen<br />

to convert was “If your Gods are so powerful then why do they require sacrifice?”<br />

The Christian answer to this question was obvious: “Since the Heathen Gods are not<br />

omnipotent, and the ‘true God’ is, it follows that the Heathens are worshiping mortal<br />

demons who have been deceiving the ignorant barbarian, and who are ultimately<br />

subject to Jehovah’s judgement in the end times; therefore, it is Christian duty that<br />

the Heathen barbarians be saved from eternal damnation as a public service of the<br />

Mother Church.” In the year 1014 CE, Wulfstan, Archbishop of York, preached the<br />

following as part of his “Sermon on False Gods”:<br />

“Many other Heathen Gods also were devised in various ways, and Heathen<br />

Goddesses likewise held in great honor throughout the world to the ruin<br />

of mankind; but these, though, are reckoned the most important in paganism,<br />

although they lived foully in the world. And the scheming Devil, who always<br />

deceives mankind, brought those Heathen men into profound error so that<br />

they chose as Gods for themselves such vile men who had made their vile<br />

lust a law for themselves and for as long as they lived spent all their lives in<br />

uncleanness.<br />

But blessed is he who completely scorns such affairs and loves and honors<br />

the true God who created and fashioned all things.” 6<br />

Differences, which were tolerated by the ignorant barbarian as belonging to a personal<br />

viewpoint, were believed by the more enlightened Christian to be but evil<br />

deceptions created by the Devil in his continuing befuddlement of mankind. It is<br />

interesting to note that punishment or death for “heresy” and “blasphemy,” were<br />

not punishable crimes during the Heathen Age; the burning of heretics was a phenomenon<br />

which came later and was associated only with the Holy Mother Church<br />

and the coming of the Prince of Peace to northern Europe.<br />

Actually, the confusion suffered by the Christians as to why the Heathen so<br />

tenaciously held onto his set of older beliefs rather than automatically converting<br />

6 Swanton, Michael, translator and ed., Anglo-Saxon Prose (Everyman’s Library; London)<br />

1993, p. 187.

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