Untitled - Awaken Video

Untitled - Awaken Video

Untitled - Awaken Video


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Chapter 2. Connections 24<br />

The circular aspect of the Flow of the Waters through the Tree has lived on<br />

in the collective memory of man and resurfaces periodically, most recently as the<br />

American folk concept of the Round River which was rediscovered and explored by<br />

Aldo Leopold, one of America’s first ecologists, when he described the Earth as a<br />

”biosphere” in his collection of essays, The Sand County Almanac.<br />

“One of the marvels of early Wisconsin was the Round River, a river that<br />

flowed into itself, and thus sped around and around in a never -ending circuit.<br />

Paul Bunyan discovered it, and the Bunyan saga tells how he floated many<br />

a log down its restless waters. “No one has suspected Paul of speaking in<br />

parables, yet in this instance he did. Wisconsin not only had a Round River,<br />

Wisconsin is one. The current is the stream of energy which flows out of the<br />

soil and into the plants, thence into animals, thence back into the soil in a<br />

never ending circuit of life. ’Dust unto dust’ is a desiccated version of the<br />

Round River concept.” 7<br />

It would seem that the ancient Germanic peoples somehow naturally sensed the<br />

importance of “dynamic tension” and flux several millennia before the various ecological<br />

crises of the 20th century forced people to take notice and describe them<br />

again.<br />

The upward movement of the Waters of Life pouring out of Hvergelmir was<br />

crucial to the well-being of Læraþ, the World Tree. The Waters flowed out of<br />

Niflheim and up through the capillary structures of the Tree feeding all life as they<br />

moved although this is a gross oversimplification of the process. The primary and<br />

original source of the Waters in the pre-Christian Germanic mind was Hvergelmir,<br />

and it was only after the Tree had finally grown in place that the other two Wells<br />

appear which serve to further distribute the Waters out to the far reaches of limb<br />

and leaf.<br />

Looking through the filter of the Germanic worldview, movement does not carry<br />

life with it; “movement” itself is the equivalent of “life.” Waters rise up from a nebulous<br />

source below and are then distributed (or redistributed) out over Midgard, and<br />

because of this arrangement, there is a delicate relationship between an underworld<br />

and Midgard which has to be maintained. (This need will be more fully discussed<br />

in later chapters.) The Waters, once they reach the uppermost Well 8 , the Well of<br />

Urð, mixed with clay serve to heal the World Tree from the damage caused by the<br />

7 Leopold, Aldo A Sand County Almanac (Sierra Club/ Ballantine Books, New York) 1966,<br />

p. 188. There can and will never be enough praise for this man and this work. Anyone wishing to<br />

seriously follow the path of ancient Germanic spiritual philosophy will find this book indispensable!<br />

8 Over the years there have been some rather heated discussions about the actual placement<br />

of the Wells. Frankly, I don’t feel that such an argument merits discussion here. The point is Of<br />

course, a Well can exist in the sky! Logic doesn’t apply to worldviews.

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