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Untitled - Awaken Video

Untitled - Awaken Video


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Chapter 2. Connections 26<br />

workings of Urð will lead one to wisdom, and the Eddas imply that such<br />

knowledge is not easily gained.” 10<br />

Knowledge or wisdom then was another characteristic of the Waters flowing up and<br />

out of Hvergelmir as they passed through the Wells of Mímir and Urð: knowledge<br />

of movement.<br />

The ancient Scandinavians had a very simple periodic table of elements: fire and<br />

ice combined to form everything in the Universe. From the standpoint of our modern<br />

worldview this sounds like a metaphor, but from the worldview being presented here,<br />

it is not. It was fact. The current way of expressing the same thing, however, is<br />

E=MC 2 ; mass, or “things,” is equal to the amount of energy divided by the speed<br />

of light squared. Now, it would be ridiculous to even suggest that early Germanic<br />

peoples had some understanding of the Theory of Relativity (this is a type of tactical<br />

comparison often used by New Age writers: pure and utter nonsense), but they did<br />

have some feeling that what was experienced on Midgard was an expression of energy<br />

(fire) and mass (ice) and the way they communicated this was through the use of<br />

poetic language to describe something that was to them real but intangible. The<br />

point here is that the modern Cunning Man 11 , the scientist, is privy to the wisdom<br />

that what is experienced is part and parcel of the human perceptual system and, as<br />

such, is part of reality.<br />

It is interesting that the average man, utilizing the common 20 th century worldview,<br />

feels his life is separate from the rest of Creation and, because of this, feels<br />

himself to be individually important. On the other hand, scientists, as well as<br />

people following some of the more primitive spiritual paths, know (as part of their<br />

worldview) that all “things” are related, or in other terms, little more than swirls and<br />

eddies within the flow of the Waters of Life whether they choose to label them God,<br />

the Tao, or simply Energy (with a capital einsteinian “E”) –nothing more than little<br />

pools of mass and energy. They know that all things are constantly in a state of<br />

flux, ever moving and changing, and that the feeling of being separate from the rest<br />

of the Universe is an illusion, or a corporeal metaphor, resulting from reality having<br />

to be filtered through the human perceptual system. The feeling that things, events,<br />

or people have some kind of stability, some kind of physical realness, comes from<br />

how one whirlpool within Round River relates to another, and, if the relationship<br />

changes between two of these swirls in the Waters, the things themselves appear<br />

to change. A normal human changes the complete lining of his stomach every six<br />

days but does not notice the change because no relationships have changed; on the<br />

other hand, a dead animal as it decays appears to change because its relationship<br />

to the rest of the universe has changed: parts have been exhausted as gasses, other<br />

10 Bauschatz, p. 23.<br />

11 ”Cunning man” is a translation of Klocka män.

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