Untitled - Awaken Video

Untitled - Awaken Video

Untitled - Awaken Video


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Chapter 8<br />

The Making of a Seiðman<br />

The foregoing chapters presented the worldview<br />

of the Norseman both from a historical perspective and from an applicability<br />

to modern times perspective. It was heavy in quotes, I realize, but I felt that this<br />

was important since Asatru is a reconstructed religious worldview as opposed to<br />

the more eclectic views taken by New Age religions. For the Asatru folk pouring<br />

through historical texts is almost a religious act in itself comparable to the Catholics<br />

saying of the rosary. But, for the most part, seið is an area of Asatru which is poorly<br />

described in the historical texts. In fact, it is apparent from reading these historical<br />

texts, that seið was poorly understood even at that time.<br />

I feel that the foregoing chapters were absolutely necessary to this chapter. Initially,<br />

when I began to write this book in 1990, I wanted to write about seið and<br />

its effect on me, but every attempt resulted in a miserable failure. The approach,<br />

then, that I decided to take was to present to the reader first and overview of the<br />

worldview of an Asatru man before attempting to write about a topic as nebulous<br />

and seið. In reality, this only makes sense since this is how I was made. For almost<br />

20 years I was an Asatru man, but I had nothing to do with seið, i.e. the worldview<br />

existed long before the events that I’m going to describe now. If the reader has

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