Toni Sihvonen (order #92780)

Toni Sihvonen (order #92780)

Toni Sihvonen (order #92780)


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<strong>Toni</strong> <strong>Sihvonen</strong> (<strong>order</strong> <strong>#92780</strong>) 6<br />

when to retreat. Thyrs are normally solitary hunters, seeking<br />

their prey in the trackless hills and forests. Some have<br />

adapted to the marshy lands of the coastal valleys, where<br />

they contend with the native marsh fiends.<br />

Werwulf<br />

Werwulfs are men who can turn into a ravening wolf by<br />

some magical ability. Some berserks have this ability,<br />

some men are cursed and must take the form of the beast<br />

at specified intervals (not always the light of the full<br />

moon), and some men are blessed by the gods with the<br />

ability. Some men can take the form of bears, boars or<br />

other wild beasts. A werwulf is usually immune to nonmagical<br />

weapons, their flesh and bones reknitting the<br />

round after they are wounded. To kill a werwulf requires<br />

magic of one form or another: magical weapons, rune<br />

magic or spells, or divine intervention.<br />

Cursed werwulfs may pass the curse on after their death,<br />

though not through their bite. Research and burial precautions<br />

like those for a scucca are required. Any werwulf’s<br />

bite is a carrier for disease, however, and it can<br />

rarely be cured by Natural healing or First aid: healing<br />

magic is required. Men bitten by a werwulf (if not savaged<br />

and killed outright) become Unhealthy ( Pendragon.<br />

page 182), suffering chills, uncontrollable shivering, and a<br />

great thirst. Chirurgery will keep the character from getting<br />

worse, but it cannot stop the infection. Bitten characters<br />

suffer Deterioration or Aggravation ( Pendragon<br />

page 183) as normal.<br />

Typical Saxon Scucca<br />

SIZ 24 Move 3<br />

DEX 8 Damage 9d6<br />

STR 30 Hit Points 52<br />

CON 28 Armor 8 + 2d6<br />

Modifier to Valor: -10<br />

Glory to Kill (temporarily): 75 for the first “death” only<br />

Glory to Kill (permanently): 300<br />

Attacks: Grapple 16; Twist & Tear 25<br />

Avoidance 12<br />

Significant Traits: N/A<br />

Significant Skills: Hunting 12<br />

Attacks: A scucca grapples its victim (Pendragon pages 176<br />

77). If successful, it twists and tears the victim’s limbs for nor,<br />

mal damage, ignoring armor.<br />

Banish, Control: N/A; Summon: see text<br />

rhyrs<br />

SI2 32 Move 5<br />

DEX 19 Damage 10d6<br />

STR 30 Hit Points 59<br />

CON 27 Armor 8 (hide)<br />

Modifier to Valor: -10<br />

Slory to Kill: 150<br />

4ttacks: Claws 22, Grapple 17, Bite 19, Thrown rock 14<br />

Banish: 150; Control: 80; Summon: 100<br />

4 thyrs may be driven off by the vigorous application of firt<br />

[such as thrusting a torch in its face), but a thyrs know<br />

mough to scatter fires and foes with thrown rocks. The thyr:<br />

dl claw at multiple foes; otherwise it grapples its victim anc<br />

zarries him into the weald. A thyrs will only bite grapplec<br />

Dpponents.<br />

Werwulf<br />

;I2 6 Move 8<br />

DEX 21 Damage 3d6<br />

STR 15 Hit Points 36<br />

CON 30 Armor 2 (fur)<br />

Modifier to Valor: -2<br />

Glory to Kill: 100<br />

Attacks: Harass 17 (vs. Knockdown), Bite 25<br />

Avoidance 13<br />

Banish, Summon: N/A; Control: 75 (requires Animal Friend<br />

A werwulf tries to bear down his target and chew its throa<br />

on the same round. If his initial leap does not tumble the vic<br />

tim, the werwulf circles, dashing in to nip at legs or arm!<br />

possibly dealing a serious wound. Werwulfs are immune tc<br />

mundane weapons

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