Toni Sihvonen (order #92780)

Toni Sihvonen (order #92780)

Toni Sihvonen (order #92780)


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<strong>Toni</strong> <strong>Sihvonen</strong> (<strong>order</strong> <strong>#92780</strong>) 6<br />

Southern Saxons (4187 KV)<br />

d20 Land Cyning KV Thegns Ceorls<br />

(IKV) (.2 KV)<br />

1-3 Suth Saexe Aelle 620 220 2000<br />

4 Continent Cheldric 106 106 0<br />

5 Continent Colgrin 232 232 0<br />

6 Continent Baldulf 150 150 0<br />

7-11 Anglia Cwichelm 940 140 4000<br />

12-14 Est Saexe Aescwine 685 85 3000<br />

15-16 Kent Aesc 325 85 1200<br />

17 Wight Cerdic 224 64 800<br />

18 Gewissa Port 94 34 300<br />

Knights Foot<br />

19-20 French Mercenaries 812 412 2000<br />

Northern Saxons (2025.25 KV)<br />

d20 Land Cyning KV Thegns Ceorls<br />

(IKV) (.2 KV)<br />

1-10 Deira Yffi 1040 40 5000<br />

11-12 Lindissi Byrhtnoth 229 49 900<br />

13 Nohaut Ossa 130 80 250<br />

Chiefs Warriors<br />

(.75 KV) (.2 KV)<br />

14-15 Irish 207.5 10 1000<br />

16-20 Picts 418.75 25 2000<br />

Saxon Total: 6212.25 KV<br />

Unit Events<br />

3d6 Modifier<br />

Saxon British Event<br />

03 -10 -15<br />

34 +10 -10<br />

05 +10 -10<br />

06-07 +5 -5<br />

08 0 -5<br />

09 0 -5<br />

10-12 0 0<br />

13 -5 +5<br />

14-15 -5 +5<br />

16 -5 +10<br />

17 -10 +10<br />

18 -15 +15<br />

Wotan and the Waelcyrige seen on<br />

the field.<br />

Bretwalda Aelle fights nearby.<br />

Saxon lord or ealdorman fights<br />

nearby.<br />

A Saxon wecg crashes into the<br />

British line.<br />

Frisians shower the Britons with<br />

arrows.<br />

Saxon lord dies; his heorthwerod<br />

goes berserk.<br />

Could go either way.<br />

British locally outnumber the<br />

Saxons.<br />

Famous British knight fights nearby.<br />

A British lord and his bodyguard<br />

fight nearby.<br />

Round Table knights fight nearby.<br />

King Arthur fights nearby.<br />

If desired, find the identity of lords from the Forces tables:<br />

find the identity of ealdorman or knights from the Who<br />

Mas That table (roll d6+3 names for Round Table).<br />

Southern British (4174 KV)<br />

d20 Land lord<br />

1-13: Logres (2656 KV)<br />

1 Logres King Arthur<br />

2 Bedegraine Earl Sanam<br />

3 Brun<br />

4 Clarence<br />

5 Dorset<br />

6 Hertford Earl Gilbert<br />

7 Jagent<br />

8 Lambor<br />

10 Lindsey Duke Derfel<br />

11 London Duke Corneus<br />

12 Lonazep Baron Macsen<br />

13 Roestoc<br />

14 Rydychan<br />

15 Salisbury Earl Robert<br />

16 Silchester Duke Ulfius<br />

17 Somerset<br />

18 Tribruit<br />

19 Wurensis<br />

20 Occitanians Sir Bleoberis<br />

14-19: Cambria (1280 KV)<br />

1-3 Cameliard Leodegrance<br />

4-5 Cheshire<br />

6-11 Escavalon King Alain<br />

11-14 Estregales King Lak<br />

15-17 Gloucester Duke Escan<br />

18-20 Orofoise<br />

20: Cornwall (238 KV)<br />

1-10 Totnes King Mark<br />

11-16 Devon<br />

17-18 Lyonesse King Melodias<br />

19-20 Tintagel Sir Jordans<br />

Northern British (1200 KV)<br />

KV KnightsFoot Foe<br />

(1KV) (.2 KV)<br />

350 150<br />

75 60<br />

80 40<br />

145 95<br />

90 50<br />

95 75<br />

96 70<br />

1000<br />

75<br />

200<br />

250<br />

200<br />

100<br />

130<br />

80 60 100<br />

250 150 500<br />

250 70 900<br />

77 65 60<br />

105 75 150<br />

70 50 100<br />

113 80 165<br />

350 1501000<br />

185 95 450<br />

85 25 300<br />

85 65 100<br />

75 45 150<br />

160 100 300<br />

80 50 150<br />

435 375 300<br />

375 275 500<br />

160 100 300<br />

70 50 100<br />

100 70 150<br />

60 50 50<br />

31 20 55<br />

47 35 60<br />

d20 Land lord KV Knights Foot<br />

(IKV) (.2 KV)<br />

1-9: Cumbria (580 KV)<br />

1-17 Malahaut Barant 500 200 1500<br />

18 Maris 20 10 50<br />

19-20 Rheged 60 30 150<br />

10-20: The North (620 KV)<br />

1 Garloth 45 30 75<br />

2-11 Gorre King Uriens 330 250 400<br />

12-17 Lothian 140 100 200<br />

18-19 Strangorre 60 50 50<br />

20 Benoic 45 15 150<br />

British Total: 5374 KV<br />

Suth Saexe<br />

Lindissi<br />

Anglia<br />

Wight<br />

Gewissa<br />

Est Saexe<br />

Gewissa,<br />

Irish<br />

Lindissi,<br />

Anglia<br />

Lindissi<br />

Kent, Est<br />

Saexe<br />

Lindissi,<br />

Anglia<br />

Lindissi,<br />

Deira<br />

Est Saexe<br />

Suth Saexe<br />

Est Saexe<br />

Irish<br />

Est Saexe<br />

Wight<br />

French<br />

Irish<br />

Irish,<br />

West<br />

Saexe,<br />

Cewissa<br />

Deira<br />

Lindissi<br />

Nohaut<br />

Picts,<br />

Nohaut,<br />

Continent<br />


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