Toni Sihvonen (order #92780)

Toni Sihvonen (order #92780)

Toni Sihvonen (order #92780)


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<strong>Toni</strong> <strong>Sihvonen</strong> (<strong>order</strong> <strong>#92780</strong>) 6<br />

goes away. If you renege on the boast or delay its fulfillment,<br />

the modifier remains, but your underlying Honor is<br />

penalized as noted in the sidebar. Finally, you can publicly<br />

disavow a boast, losing the directed modifier and 1 point<br />

of Honor, as noted above in the sidebar.<br />

You may use your Honor (Battle Boast) during encounters<br />

that can impede the fulfillment of your boast - to dispatch<br />

bandits blocking the way to your enemy's keep, for<br />

example, or to plead with your lord for a boat to sail to<br />

Pictland to rescue your kidnapped sister. You may also<br />

invoke it in the ultimate phase of your quest -when you<br />

face the man you swore to kill, or struggle for the item<br />

New Trait and Passion Rules<br />

These rules extend Pendragon pages 200-201, and refer to<br />

concepts introduced in Saxons! Chapter 1.<br />

Saxon Lord Refuses to Share at Least Half the Plunder<br />

with His Followers: Automatic Selfish Check. Additionally,<br />

the GM may rule that his followers lose 1 point of Loyalty<br />

(Lord).<br />

Saxon Cynn or Guardian Fails to Collect Wergild or<br />

Vengeance: -1d6 to both Honor and Love (Cynn).<br />

Saxon Renounced by Cynn: -2d6 Love (Cynn).<br />

Nithinghood: Possible if a Saxon's Honor or Hospitality<br />

falls below 6.<br />

Character Renounces or Defaults on Battle Boast: -1<br />

Honor to formally renounce a boast; -1 Honor per winter<br />

that a still-maintained boast goes unfulfilled, or -3 Honor if<br />

a boast is clearly and irreparably shirked (boaster swears to<br />

wear no armor at Badon, yet wears armor).<br />

Character Completes Battle Boast successfully: Resolve<br />

an immediate Honor Experience Check, in addition to any<br />

normal Experience Check to Honor. Gain Glory for the<br />

boast (page XX).<br />

Halved Honor/Hospitality Penalties for Deeds against<br />

Another Culture: Dishonor penalties across cultures are<br />

halved (round up). This option allows would-be Hengists<br />

and Vortigerns to betray folk from other cultures without<br />

losing too much face at home. It ceases to apply in Britain<br />

after 518, and in other lands where Christian and feudal<br />

ideals are gaining influence.<br />

Lineage Distorted or Concealed: -2 Love (Family) to any<br />

character who willfully denies, withholds or distorts the<br />

facts of his lineage, plus checks to Deceitful and/or Modest,<br />

as appropriate.<br />

you vowed to retrieve. [Glory Awards - Fulfilling<br />

Boasts: page 1271<br />

Other Cultures: Folk for whom Proud is a religious<br />

virtue (Pagans and Wotanics) can Battle Boast.<br />

Battle Rage Passion and Berserks<br />

Battle Rage is a blind, aggressive fury that possesses warriors<br />

who are also Inspired by normal Passions; in effect,<br />

the Battle Rage Passion registers the chance that an<br />

Inspired warrior may also become berserk.<br />

You can gain the Battle Rage Passion by beseeching<br />

Wotan for war frenzy when you have already Critically<br />

Inspired a weapon skill. Roll Religion (Wotanic) or Love<br />

(Wotan): Success gives you a starting Battle Rage Passion<br />

of 2d6, Critical gives you a starting Battle Rage of 3d6. In<br />

addition, you are inspired with a Battle Rage of the same<br />

level as your roll result. Battle Rage increases like any<br />

other Passion. However, the GM may restrict acquisition<br />

of this Passion - or forbid it entirely - on the grounds<br />

that easily enraged heroes are too unbalancing or too<br />

unpleasant.<br />

Battle Rage<br />

Whenever you test a Passion to Inspire a weapon skill,<br />

and your roll would pass both the target Passion and<br />

Battle Rage, you become Berserk. If you Critically Inspire<br />

your skill, and pass Battle Rage, you have become<br />

Critically Berserk. You gain the intended benefit of<br />

Inspiring the weapon skill, plus the following effects of<br />

Berserk:<br />

Add a Normal or Critical Inspiration Bonus to your<br />

SIZ. This does not make you larger, only harder<br />

to hurt. It applies to derived Statistics like Hit<br />

Points, Knockdown, and Damage.<br />

Ignore Unconscious and Major Wound rules.<br />

Gain a -5 Valorous modifier vs. anyone whom you<br />

attack (-10 if Critically Berserk).<br />

You must use the Berserker Attack option.<br />

You must attack the nearest target: you can bypass a<br />

friend if you Recognize him.<br />

The Berserk state continues until:<br />

You have no more Hit Points.<br />

You have no more targets.<br />

You recover. This means beating the Berserk Passion<br />

in opposed resolution with another Passion or Trait<br />

(Prudent and Forgiving are default options). You<br />

may attempt recovery only after you defeat (kill

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