RRFM 2009 Transactions - European Nuclear Society

RRFM 2009 Transactions - European Nuclear Society

RRFM 2009 Transactions - European Nuclear Society


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Departamento Materiales, Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica<br />

Av. General Paz 1499, B650KNA San Martín (Bs. As.) Argentina<br />

R. AMORUSO,<br />

Departamento Combustibles, Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica<br />

Av. General Paz 1499, B650KNA San Martín (Bs. As.) Argentina<br />


MTR fuel aluminium plates undergo oxidation in heat transfer conditions during<br />

operation in Research or Production Reactors. The aluminium oxide is a poor<br />

thermal conductor; hence, the fuel plate’s temperature tends to increase with time,<br />

as the oxide grows, up to a point in which it may become dangerous for the fuel<br />

integrity. In order to evaluate this effect, an experimental facility which simulates<br />

heat transfer in a fuel channel was used to measure the amount of oxidation in<br />

different operating conditions. A parabolic growth as a function of time has been<br />

verified, which can be adequately predicted by available published correlations.<br />

Oxidation in a slightly acid environment (pH=5.2) is one order of magnitude lower<br />

than in near neutral water. Pre-filming of the aluminium plates does not seem to<br />

influence the ulterior oxidation behaviour.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

Aluminium clad MTR fuel undergoes oxidation during operation in Research Reactors.<br />

Aluminium oxides are poor heat conductors; hence, heat transfer between fuel and coolant<br />

could be disturbed by the growth of a thick layer. If this should happen, fuel plate<br />

temperature will increase, even at constant coolant temperature, due to the temperature drop<br />

across the oxide layer, thus accelerating the oxidation process, generating a vicious circle.<br />

Aluminium and its alloys may suffer corrosion in water at temperatures above 150-200 °C<br />

(range which could conceivable be attained in the fuel plate if the oxide film exceeds certain<br />

thickness), with penetrating intergranular attack, blistering and oxide exfoliation. As oxide<br />

growth is a function of plate temperature, water condition, coolant flow and other reactor<br />

parameters, the heat transfer situation will vary from reactor to reactor, depending on thermal<br />

power and other specific characteristics. A reliable performance prediction may then be<br />

relevant to fuel design. Several empirical regressions are available, which are just valid for<br />

the conditions of the experiments used to develop them; it can be mentioned, among them,<br />

those by Griess [1], Kritz [2] and the so called “Correlation II” [3]. More recently, a predictive<br />

model was published [4] taking into account various different variables, which is so far the<br />

most comprehensive attempt to describe the influence of all relevant parameters. However,<br />

as can be seen in Figure 1, slight variations in pH (from 7 to 5) give place to a two orders of<br />

magnitude change in the predicted oxide thickness.<br />

An experimental approach is presented, which intends to supply a way of directly measure<br />

oxide growth in different conditions, in order to foresee fuel performance in a variety of<br />

situations. These may include variations in inlet and outlet coolant temperature, heat transfer,<br />

coolant flow and/or speed, coolant chemistry conditions, plate metallurgical conditions, etc<br />

2. Experimental method<br />

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