RRFM 2009 Transactions - European Nuclear Society

RRFM 2009 Transactions - European Nuclear Society

RRFM 2009 Transactions - European Nuclear Society


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Micro-XRD coupled with SEM+EDS characterization of U-Mo/Al-Si<br />

diffusion couples<br />

J. Allenou, H. Palancher, X. Iltis, E. Welcomme, Ph. Martin, F. Charollais, M.C. Anselmet<br />

CEA/Cadarache, DEN/DEC, 13108 Saint Paul Lez Durance - France<br />

M. Cornen, O. Tougait<br />

Université de Rennes 1, UMR-CNRS 6226, Campus de Beaulieu, 35042 Rennes Cedex - France<br />

R. Tucoulou<br />

ESRF, 6 rue Jules Horowitz, 38042 Grenoble - France<br />

P. Lemoine<br />

CEA/Saclay, DEN/DSOE, 91191 Gif sur Yvette - France<br />


A set of U-Mo7/Al-Si diffusion couples, with silicon content going from 2 wt% to 10<br />

wt% were obtained by thermal annealing. These couples were systematically<br />

characterized by SEM+EDS and by µ-XRD. Thanks to these characterizations, we<br />

have shown that two main types of interaction layers (ILs) are evidenced,<br />

depending on the silicon content in the aluminium alloy, with a threshold value of<br />

about 5 wt%. Below the threshold value, the ILs are three-layered, with : a first sublayer,<br />

close to U-Mo, containing the UAl 3 + U 6 Mo 4 Al 43 phases, an intermediate one<br />

with the U(Al,Si) 3 phase and a third one, close to Al-Si, with the U(Al,Si) 3 +<br />

UMo 2 Al 20 phases. Above this threshold, the ILs are mainly bi-layered, with an<br />

U(Al,Si) 3 + U 3 Si 5 sub-layer, close to U-Mo, and an U(Al,Si) 3 + UMo 2 Al 20 sub-layer,<br />

close to Al-Si. A mechanism is proposed for explaining the formation of these two<br />

types of ILs.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

U-Mo/Al dispersed fuel is developed as an high-uranium-density for Materials Testing<br />

Reactors (MTR) cores. In operating conditions, a reaction between U-Mo particles and the Al<br />

matrix occurs and can lead to a poor irradiation behaviour [1]. The addition of Si into the Al<br />

matrix seems to be a promising solution for solving this problem.<br />

Microstructural examinations carried out on interaction layers (IL) formed between U-Mo and<br />

Al-Si, after out-of-pile and in-pile tests, have shown that the decrease of the interaction rate<br />

seems to be linked to a silicon accumulation process in the IL (see for example [2-9]).<br />

However, these results differ in terms of Si accumulation level and Si gradient throughout the<br />

IL (this IL being multi-layered, in certain cases), depending on the Si content of the Al-Si alloy<br />

and the interaction conditions (temperature, irradiation or not, type of samples : diffusion<br />

couples or fuel plates with dispersed U-Mo particles). Many questions remain also open<br />

concerning the Si-rich phases present in the U-Mo/Al-Si interaction zones.<br />

To our knowledge, the most detailed study concerning the Si-rich phases identification, in the<br />

U-Mo/Al-Si ILs, was performed by Mirandou et al. [2-3], thanks to synchrotron<br />

characterization of diffusion couples. The authors have shown that, at 550°C, the IL<br />

developed between an U-7wt%Mo alloy and an Al-7.1wt%Si alloy has two sub-layers : the<br />

first one, located close to the Al-Si alloy, comprises the U(Al,Si) 3 main phase and the second<br />

one, more Si-enriched, is located close to the U-Mo side of the couple and comprises an<br />

U 3 Si 5 phase, mixed with an unidentified one. At 340°C, on thinner ILs, U 3 Si 5 phase was also<br />

found in a U-7wt%Mo/Al-0,6%Si couple.<br />

Our previous work, also performed on U-Mo/Al-Si diffusion couples, has shown that two main<br />

types of ILs could exist, depending on the Si content of the Al alloy [4-5]. This<br />

complementary study is aimed to achieve a better knowledge of the microstructural<br />

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