RRFM 2009 Transactions - European Nuclear Society

RRFM 2009 Transactions - European Nuclear Society

RRFM 2009 Transactions - European Nuclear Society


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For emergency preparedness, considering the availability of documented emergency plans,<br />

performance of on-site and off-site drills and arrangements for external assistance in<br />

response, the Level is 3: The recommendation is fully implemented.<br />

For siting, considering the status of programmes for continuing site-related evaluation and<br />

surveillance to ensure continued safety acceptability during the operational life time of the<br />

research reactor, the Level is 0. The recommendation is not implemented; there is little or no<br />

progress towards implementation<br />

For design, construction and commissioning, considering the status of implementation of the<br />

recommendations in this paragraph, the Level is 3. The recommendation is fully<br />

implemented.<br />

For operation, maintenance, modification and utilization, considering the status of<br />

implementation of the recommendations in this paragraph, with attention to availability of<br />

safety related documentation, such as, operating limits and conditions manual, operational<br />

procedures, maintenance procedures, experiments clearance and approval, fresh and spent<br />

fuel management and surveillance procedures, waste management procedures, safety<br />

committees organization and functioning, technical documentation management procedures,<br />

the Level is 3. The recommendation is fully implemented.<br />

For extended shutdown, considering the availability and scope of a programme for<br />

management of the research reactors in this condition: fuel management and sub criticality<br />

assurance, waste management, surveillance on research reactors systems, personnel. the<br />

Level is 0: The recommendation is not implemented; there is little or no progress towards<br />

implementation.<br />

For decommissioning, considering the availability and scope of plans for decommissioning of<br />

the research reactor(s), the Level is 2. The recommendation is partially implemented with<br />

satisfactory progress towards full implementation.<br />

3. Conclusions<br />

Most of the results give a classification of Level 3 or Level 2, therefore, it is demonstrated<br />

that for the case of research reactors, Mexico has implemented an acceptable safety<br />

programme at the state, regulatory and operator level. Most of the experience for this case<br />

was obtained from the regulation of the two nuclear power reactors that are operating in<br />

Mexico, and operated by the state owned Federal Commission of Electricity, which is also<br />

regulated by CNSNS, and to which ININ is a Technical Support Organization.<br />

4. References<br />

[1] NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION, NUREG-1537, “Guidelines for Preparing<br />

and Reviewing Applications for the Licensing of Non-Power Reactors” (1996).<br />

[2] NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION. “NRC Regulations, Title 10, Code of<br />

Federal Regulations Part 50”.<br />

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