RRFM 2009 Transactions - European Nuclear Society

RRFM 2009 Transactions - European Nuclear Society

RRFM 2009 Transactions - European Nuclear Society


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For its manufacturing, an additional step is needed to produce the carbide (the oxide<br />

carbothermic reduction) and optimization is required to master pyrophoricity risks, Pu et Am<br />

losses, and to fulfil the specification required to properly manage swelling and gaseous<br />

products retention. Controlled inert atmosphere is necessary.<br />

For reprocessing, despite very old fames claiming strong difficulties, carbide fuel is readily<br />

soluble in nitric acid and the aqueous processes is the attractive route to benefit from the<br />

experience gained with oxide fuels although the formation of organic soluble compounds<br />

may need for a decomposition step prior to the extraction cycles.<br />

There is no available experience on carbide fuels incorporating minor actinides.<br />

4.5 Metallic fuel<br />

Metal fuel now is considered in many countries as the alternative to oxide or as the longer<br />

term option for SFR. Motivations for that are: high breeding capability, safety, pyroprocess<br />

fuel cycle,…<br />

Metal has obviously the highest heavy metal density but the lowest melting point too. Metal is<br />

the “historical” SFR fuel. Compatible with sodium, its in-pile performances have been<br />

continuously increased. Together with oxide fuel, it can claim for proven high burn-up<br />

performances and significant safety database (US program in BRII and TREAT).<br />

Experiments are underway on MAs beared fuels, in particular the METAPHIX experiment in<br />

Phenix.<br />

As far as reprocessing is concerned, studies on aqueous processing did not generate very<br />

convincing results. UPuZr dissolution requires large amounts of fluoric acid (HF) or an<br />

anodic dissolution technique (BNFL). In addition, subsequent steps are needed to produce<br />

the alloy from the purified product (oxide). ANL studies led to promote the pyrochemical<br />

process. Three steps are involved: U recovery by electro-winning, transuranics recovery by<br />

electro-refining on a liquid cadmium cathode, and the separation of cadmium from TRU by<br />

distillation. The efficiency of U recovery is largely demonstrated (treatment of the EBR-II<br />

used fuel), additional work is still needed for TRUs.<br />

Safety issues must be carefully addressed. Metallic fuel provides a large negative reactivity<br />

feedback due to fuel expansion. However, negative aspects are low temperature eutectic<br />

formation, an increase of sodium void worth and the degradation of Doppler effect.<br />

4.6 Carbide or nitride?<br />

Compared to the oxide experience, carbide and even more nitride fuels are far from mature<br />

and left unanswered a number of issues concerning their real potential as SFR fuel.<br />

Particularly, very limited experience exists in the areas of safety and of the closure of the fuel<br />

cycle.<br />

Both carbide and nitride fuels are under consideration for GFR and SFR. For both, to<br />

achieve equivalent neutronic performances, nitride fuels require nitrogen enrichment to at<br />

least 50 at% 15 N to avoid 14 C production by (n,p) reactions on 14 N. Moreover, with nitride<br />

fuels, generation of helium, from (n,α) reactions in 14 N and additional tritium generation are<br />

concerns for fuel performance and for coolant radiological contamination. Recent irradiations<br />

in the Phenix (France) and Joyo (Japan) reactors have confirmed that, for certain closedsystem<br />

operating conditions at high temperatures, nitride fuel can exhibit signs of<br />

dissociation of the (U, Pu)N phase.<br />

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