RRFM 2009 Transactions - European Nuclear Society

RRFM 2009 Transactions - European Nuclear Society

RRFM 2009 Transactions - European Nuclear Society


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Vienna University of Technology/Atominstitute<br />

Stadion allee 2, A-1020, Vienna, Austria<br />

High resolution gamma-ray spectroscopy based non-destructive methods is employed to measure spent fuel<br />

parameters. By this method, the axial distribution of Cesium-137 has been measured which results in an axial<br />

burn up profiles. Knowing the exact irradiation history of the fuel, four spent TRIGA fuel elements have been<br />

selected for on-site gamma scanning using a special shielded scanning device developed at the Atominstitute.<br />

Each selected fuel element was transferred into the fuel inspection unit using the standard fuel transfer cask.<br />

Each fuel element was scanned in one centimetre steps of its active fuel length and the Cesium-137 activity was<br />

determined as a proved burn up indicator. The absolute activity of each centimetre was measured and compared<br />

with the reactor physics code ORIGEN2.2 results. This code was used to calculate average burn up and isotopic<br />

composition of fuel element. The comparison between measured and calculated results shows good agreement.<br />

1 Introduction<br />

The Atominstitute of the Austrian Universities (ATI) operates a TRIGA Mark II research<br />

reactor since March 1962 with thermal power of 250 kW. The current TRIGA core is a mixed<br />

core of three types of U-ZrH TRGA fuel i.e. 102 type with aluminium clad, 104 type with<br />

stainless steel clad and 110 type or FLIP fuel elements (FEs) [1]. The current core consists<br />

of 82 FEs. Out of 82, 52 elements are 102 type, 21 are 104 types while remaining 9 are 110<br />

type or FLIP FE. Only 102-type (Al-clad) FEs were taken in this paper which is composed of<br />

20% enriched U-ZrH 1.0 fuel, with 8.5 wt. % U content. The average material and dimensional<br />

specifications (grams and cm) of 102-type typical FE are given in Table 1.<br />

Length of fuel meat (cm) 35.60 U-235 (g) 36.13<br />

Diameter of fuel meat (cm) 3.59 U-238 (g) 146.03<br />

Graphite reflector length (cm) 10.21 U-234, U-236 (g) 0.36<br />

Cladding thickness (cm) 0.076 Al-clad (g) 163.00<br />

Burnable poison (cm) 2- SmO 3 -disks Zr-H (g) 2066.06<br />

Tab 1: Material and dimensional specifications of 102-fuel elements<br />

The burn up (BU) indicates the useful lifetime of fuel in the reactor core and is a measure of<br />

the total amount of thermal energy generated per unit quantity of heavy element (U) charged<br />

to the core. Usually burn-up is expressed in MW d / (kg U) [2]. As the Cs-137 intensity is<br />

proportional to burn up [2], therefore the main efforts of this work were focused on<br />

1. An average burn-up and isotopic composition calculation for four selected irradiated<br />

FEs employing ORIGEN2.2 reactor physics code<br />

2. Confirmation of calculations by the method of high-resolution gamma spectroscopy<br />

3. Axial redistribution of the burn-up applying gamma spectrometric measurements.<br />

This series of measurements was carried out for four 102-type type FEs i.e. FE: 2124, FE:<br />

2196, FE: 2156 and FE: 2077. The only difference between these FEs was their individual<br />

irradiation histories and the resulting burn up. Typical Aluminium clad FE is shown in figure 1.<br />

Keeping all factors of accuracy in view, the FE 2196 was identified with the simplest<br />

irradiation history [1]. Using Full Power Days (FPD) from the log books [6], the Full Operating<br />

Length (FOL) in days and power at FOL in MW was calculated for each selected FE to input<br />

the ORIGEN2.2 for BU and isotopic composition calculation. These calculations for the<br />

representative FE 2196 are shown in table 2. The average power at FOL was calculated as<br />

0.34773 kW.<br />

183 of 455<br />


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