RRFM 2009 Transactions - European Nuclear Society

RRFM 2009 Transactions - European Nuclear Society

RRFM 2009 Transactions - European Nuclear Society


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Figure 2: Cellular fuel sub-assembly with composite cladding material (SiC-SiC f )<br />

Significant progress has been made recently about the selection of constitutive materials<br />

(clad structure and liner) to ensure leak-tightness to fission products and comply with<br />

requirements of thermo-mechanical integrity and adequate chemical compatibility between<br />

materials. For the clad, candidate composites are Tyranno SA3 and Hi-Nicalon Type S<br />

fibers, both existing commercial-grade carbon composites. The internal liner is made of<br />

refractory metallic materials based on Mo, W, Nb, or Si based intermetallics. These metals<br />

are known to be more or less neutrons absorbers. The current design is a 50 µm layer of W-<br />

14Re.<br />

4. Survey of fuel options for fast neutron reactors: potential and challenges<br />

4.1 General fuel requirements for fast neutron reactors<br />

Although the SFR, LFR, GFR fuel designs are quite different, their basic functional<br />

requirements are the same, summarized as follows [6]:<br />

• to retain hazardous radionuclides in all but the most unlikely postulated conditions,<br />

• to maintain a geometry that can be cooled,<br />

• to maintain fissionable material in a controllled and predictable geometry, and<br />

• to provide a convenient form for fuel handling.<br />

Other mission-specific or system-specific requirements include reliable operation at high<br />

temperatures; compatibility with post-irradiation disposal or recycling technology; and<br />

technology-specific requirements for physical properties such as actinide element density,<br />

thermal conductivity, and melting temperature.<br />

Neutron irradiation, high temperatures, and accumulation of fission products all work to<br />

degrade and stress the fuel’s ability to meet these requirements. These factors limit the inservice<br />

lifetime or utilization of the fuel. In general terms, the degradation mechanisms that<br />

operate in current fuel designs include:<br />

• chemical attack of the fuel cladding or fuel particle layers by fission products or fuel<br />

constituents, which weakens the barrier properties;<br />

• stress of the cladding or fuel particle layers caused by increasing fission gas<br />

pressure and/or by volumetric swelling of the fuel material due to accumulating<br />

gaseous and solid fission products retained in the fuel material; and<br />

• irradiation effects in the cladding or fuel particle layers, which can lead to<br />

embrittlement, enhanced creep damage, or dimensional changes. (Such dimensional<br />

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