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core. The central primary light-conducting region of a<br />

material medium, such as an optical fiber, the refractive<br />

index of which must be higher than that of<br />

its cladding in order for the lightwaves to be<br />

totally reflected or refracted. Most of the optical<br />

power is in the core.<br />

coupler. In optical transmission aystems, a component<br />

used to interconnect two or more optical fibera.<br />

Also see connector; bulk coupler; electronic&llycontrollable<br />

coupler; reflective star-coupler; 3-dB<br />

coupler.<br />

coupling. The connection, attachment, or binding of<br />

optical elements, electric circuit elementa, electric<br />

and magnetic fields, propagation modes, or electromagnetic<br />

wave component, such as surface waves<br />

and evanescent waves, to internal waves in waveguides,<br />

dielectric slabs, or other interdependent<br />

associations and interactions of events and materials<br />

in a system. For example, two optical fibers or certain<br />

elements in an integrated optical circuit may<br />

be coupled together in some manner to preserve signal<br />

continuity. See evanescent field coupling.<br />

coupling coefficient. Synonym for coupling ratio.<br />

coupling efficiency. In fiberoptic transmission, the<br />

ratio of the optical power on one side of an interface<br />

to the optical power on the other side. For<br />

example, the ratio of the power developed by a light<br />

aource to the power accepted by a bundle of fibers,<br />

or the power received at the end of a bundle of<br />

fibers to the power that impinges on a photodetector.<br />

For light sources with emitting areas larger than<br />

fiber core diameters, the product of fiber numerical<br />

aperture (N.A.) and core diameter is a good indicator<br />

of maximum coupling efficiency. For other<br />

sources, such as small laser diodes with emitting<br />

areas small than the fiber core diameter, the N.A.<br />

alone is a relevant indicator of coupling efficiency,<br />

usually expresaed as a percentage.<br />

critical angle. The angle, with the normal, at which<br />

an electromagnetic wave incident upon an interface<br />

surface between two dielectric media, at which total<br />

reflection of the incident ray first occurs as the<br />

incident angle with the normal to the incident aurface<br />

is increased from zero, and beyond which total<br />

internal reflection continues to occur although with<br />

increased attenuation at a rate determined not only<br />

by the electromagnetic parameters of the transmission<br />

medium, but also by the frequency and the incidence<br />

angle. The wave is guided along the reflecting<br />

surface with no average transport of energy into<br />

the second medium, and the intensity of the reflected<br />

wave is exactly equal to the intensity of the<br />

incident wave. The wave in an optical fiber will<br />

be confined to the fiber for all incidence angles<br />

greater than the critical angle. The critical angle<br />

is given by sin ec = (~2/~1) 1/2 where 9C is the<br />

critical angle and Cz and c1 are the permittivities<br />

of the transmitted (outside) and incident medium<br />

(inside), respectively, and where El is always greater<br />

than =2; e.g. , the case for an optical fiber (conducting<br />

a wave), and air. In terms of refractive<br />

indices, the critical angle is the incidence angle<br />

from a denser medium, at an interface between the<br />

denser and less dense medium, at which all of the<br />

light is refracted along the interface, i.e., the<br />

angle of refraction is 90°. When the critical<br />

angle is exceeded, the light is totally reflected<br />

back into the denaer medium. The critical angle<br />

varies with the refractive indices of the two media<br />

with the relationship, sin Oc = n2/nl, where n2 is<br />

the index of refraction of the less dense medium, nl<br />

is the refractive index of the denser medium, and 9C<br />

is the critical angle, as above. In terms of total<br />

internal reflection in an optical fiber, the critical<br />

angle is the smallest angle made by a meridional<br />

ray in an optical fiber that can be totally reflected<br />

from the innermost interface and thus determines<br />

the maximum acceptance angle at which a meridional<br />

ray can be accepted for transmission along a fiber.<br />

Also see total internal reflection.<br />

critical radius. The largest radius of curvature of an<br />

optical fiber, containing an axially propagated<br />

electromagnetic wave, at which the field outside the<br />

fiber still detaches itself from the fiber and radiates<br />

into space because the phase-front velocity<br />

must increase to maintain a proper relationship with<br />

the guided wave inside the fiber. Thia velocity cannot<br />

exceed the velocity of light, aa the wavefront<br />

sweeps around the outside of the curved fiber. This<br />

causes attenuation due to a radiation loss. The<br />

field outside the fiber decays exponentially in a<br />

direction transverse to the direction of propagation.<br />

It is the radius of curvature of an optical<br />

fiber at which there is an appreciable propagation<br />

mode conversion loss, due to the abruptness of the<br />

transition from straight to curved. For a radius<br />

of curvature greater than the critical value, the<br />

fields behave essentially as in a straight guide.<br />

For radii smaller than the critical value, considerable<br />

mode conversion takea place.<br />

coupling loss. In a fiberoptic coupling, the optical<br />

power loss caused by the coupling itself, a loss<br />

that would not occur if the optical fiber were continuous<br />

without the coupling.<br />

coupling ratio. The ratio of power on the output side<br />

of a coupling to the power on the input side. The<br />

coupling ratio is always less than unity. Synonymous<br />

with coupling coefficient. Also see 3-dB coupler.<br />

A-4<br />

D<br />

dark current. ~’e current that flows in a photodetector<br />

when there is no radiant energy or luminous flux<br />

incident upon its aensitive surface, i.e., when there<br />

is total darkness. Dark current generally increaaea<br />

with increaaed temperature for most photodetectors.<br />

For example, in a photoemissive photodetector, the<br />

dark current is given by:<br />

Id = AT2eq’$lkT<br />

where A is the surface area constant, T is the absolute<br />

temperature, q is the electron charge, $ ia<br />

the work function of the photoemisaive surface material,<br />

and k is Boltzmann’s constant.<br />

darkfield sensor. In fiberoptic, a sensor in which<br />

the optical power tapped and modulated by the sensor<br />

is a small fraction of the total optical power fed<br />

to or available to the sensor. Contrast with brightfield<br />

sensor.<br />

data. Representation of facts, concepts, or instructions<br />

in a manner suitable for communication, interpretation,<br />

or processing by human, manual, semiautomatic,<br />

or fully-automatic means. The characters<br />

used as data may assume any form or pattern to which<br />

meaning may be assigned in order to represent infor-

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