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methods of coupling power outside the fiber. For<br />

example, in an optical component such as a 3-dB<br />

coupler, the insertion loss is considered as that<br />

in excess of the 3-dB associated with splitting the<br />

light between two fibers. 3. In lightwave transmission<br />

systems, the power lost at the entrance to<br />

a wavegufde due to any and all causes, such as<br />

Fresnel reflection, packing fraction, limited numerical<br />

aperture, axial misalignment, lateral displacement,<br />

initial scattering, or diffusion.<br />

insulator. A substance with a molecular structure in<br />

which all electrons remain in the valence band,<br />

rather than in the conduction band, even under the<br />

influence of high electric field gradients, and<br />

therefore a material that is used to prevent the<br />

flow of electric current when electric fields exist.<br />

tiso see dielectric. Contrast with conductor.<br />

integrated optical circuit (IOC). A circuit, or group<br />

of interconnected circuits, consisting of miniature<br />

solid state optical components. Examples of such<br />

components include light-emitting diodes, optical<br />

filters, photodetectors (active and passive), and<br />

thin-film optical waveguides on semiconductor or dielectric<br />

substrates. Components onan IOC chip might<br />

include semiconductor injection lasers, modulators,<br />

filters, lightguides, switches, couplers, logic<br />

gates, pulse shapers, differential amplifiers, and<br />

optical memories. Synonymous with optical integrated<br />

circuit.<br />

integrated optics. The design, development, and operation<br />

of circuits that apply the technology of integrated<br />

electronic circuits produced by planar masking,<br />

etching, evaporation, and crystal film growth<br />

techniques to microoptical circuits on a single<br />

planar dielectric substrate. Thus, a combination<br />

of electronic circuitry and optical waveguides are<br />

produced for performing various communication,<br />

switching, and logic functions, including amplification,<br />

gating, modulating, light generation, photodetecting,<br />

filtering, multiplexing, signal processing,<br />

coupling, and storing.<br />

intensity.<br />

See luminous intensity.<br />

intensity sensor. In fiberoptic, a fiberoptic sensor<br />

in which the optical intensity of a light ray (beam)<br />

is varied in accordance with a baseband signal by<br />

varying the light propagation properties of an optical<br />

fiber. For example, a microbend sensor.<br />

interference.<br />

See electromagnetic interference.<br />

interferometer. An instrument in which the interference<br />

effects of lightwaves are used for purposes of<br />

measurement, such as the measurement of the accuracy<br />

of optical surfaces by means of Newton’s rings, the<br />

measurement of optical paths, linear and angular<br />

displacements, phase changes due to pressure, rotation,<br />

and temperature effects on the sensing arm as<br />

compared to the reference arm. See Fabry-Perot<br />

interferometer; Mach-Zehnder interferometer; Michelson<br />

interferometer; Sagnac interferometer; _n-<br />

Green interferometer.<br />

interferometric sensor. In fiberoptic, a fiberoptic<br />

sensor that employs the principles of interferornetry<br />

to performa sensing function. For example, aFabry-<br />

Perot interferometer used as a fiberoptic sensor.<br />

Also see interferometer.<br />

interferometry. The scientific discipline devoted to<br />

the study and useful application of interference<br />

among electromagnetic waves.<br />

intermodal disperson. Dispersion (pulse broadening)<br />

that results from propagation time differences among<br />

the various modes in an electromagnetic pulse. Intermodal<br />

dispersion can be reduced by appropriate refractive<br />

index profile shaping.<br />

internal reflection. In an optical element in which an<br />

electromagnetic wave is propagating, a reflection at<br />

an outside surface from the inside such that a wave<br />

that is incident upon the surface is reflected wholly<br />

or partially back into the element itself. Optical<br />

fibers depend on internal reflection for the successful<br />

transmission of lightwaves in order that the<br />

waves do not leave the fiber; namely, the wave energy<br />

is confinded to or bound to the fiber. Also see<br />

total internal reflection.<br />

internal reflection sensor. See near total internal reflection<br />

sensor.<br />

interstitial defect. In the somewhat ordered array of<br />

atoms and molecules in optical fiber material, a<br />

site at which an extra atom or molecule is inserted<br />

in the space between the normal array. The defect<br />

can serve as a scattering center, causing diffusion,<br />

heating, absorption, and resultant attenuation. Also<br />

see vacancy defect.<br />

intrinsic absorption. In lightwave transmission media,<br />

the absorption of light energy from a traveling or<br />

standing wave by the medium itself, causing attenuation<br />

as a function of distance, material properties,<br />

mode, frequency, and other factors. Intrinsic absorption<br />

is primarily due to charge transfer bands<br />

in the ultraviolet region and vibration or multiphonon<br />

bands in the near infrared, particularly if<br />

they extend into the region of wavelengths used in<br />

optical fiber, namely, 0.7 to 1.2 microns.<br />

intramodal dispersion. The dispersion (pulse broadening)<br />

that occurs within one of the modea in an electromagnetic<br />

pulse. Intramodal dispersion in an optical<br />

fiber is a function of the spectral bandwidth<br />

of the light source and the material dispersion<br />

caused by the fiber. It is usually the only type of<br />

dispersion preaent in a monomode fiber.<br />

intrinsic fiber loss. Optical power loss in an optical<br />

fiber or optical fiber splice, connector, or coupling,<br />

caused in the manufacturing process, such as<br />

refractive index profile mismatch, diameter differences,<br />

scattering, absorption, and other causes not<br />

subject to the control of the user.<br />

intrinsic region. In a semiconductor junction, a region<br />

that lies between a positively-doped region and a<br />

negatively-doped region and that does not contain<br />

any dopant. Synonymous with i-region.<br />

inversion.<br />

See population inversion.<br />

Ioc. See integrated optical circuit.<br />

i-region.<br />

Synonym for intrinsic region.<br />


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