manitou springs city council regular meeting agenda city council

manitou springs city council regular meeting agenda city council

manitou springs city council regular meeting agenda city council


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under GASB 54 this is a restricted amount and must be accounted for separately. Also, the<br />

Bridge Project is drawing from that revenue line and is not available to other capital fund projects.<br />

In compliance with GASB 54 certain funds without a dedicated revenue source must be folded into<br />

existing funds, but their related revenues and expenditures should be kept in assigned, separate fund<br />

balances, within those funds. To accomplish this, a separate accounting ledger titled Restricted<br />

General Fund Revenues/Expenditures for the Barr Trail Parking Lot (Workbook Ref. # Tab P) has<br />

been added to the General Fund budget to track these activities. One activity is currently being<br />

tracked at this time:<br />

i. Barr Trail Parking Activities - Barr Trail Parking lot revenues are restricted for use for<br />

expenditures associated with the Barr Trail Parking lot and trailhead area as per the<br />

Intergovernmental agreement between the City and Colorado Springs Utilities, the<br />

owner of the parking lot.<br />

Activity in this account show assigned revenues of $111,055 and $166,934 for FY2012<br />

and FY2013, respectively. Expenses for both FY2012 and FY2013 include: a portion of<br />

the Residential Parking Program Study; parking kiosk credit card fees, capital project<br />

reimbursement in FY2011, only; the Barr Trail facility maintenance and Barr Trail Shuttle<br />

match for a CMAQ grant of $308,970. The FY2013 year-end fund balance is projected<br />

to be $79,053.<br />

2. Enterprise Funds – These are “Proprietary Funds” that operate in a manner similar to a private business<br />

enterprise. They are, by definition, fee driven activities that account for their own operating and capital<br />

expenses. The City has four such funds: Water, Sewer, Storm Drainage Management and Manitou Springs<br />

Park Authority Funds.<br />

a. Water Fund (Workbook Ref. # Tab 2) - This enterprise accounts for operating revenues and cash<br />

basis expenses of the water utility. The utility services roughly 2,200 customers, repairs 50,000 lineal<br />

feet of water lines, maintains 2 storage tanks and 15 in-town pressure reducing values. The utility<br />

plans to replace a water main on Waltham, replace two treatment plant compressors, update GIS,<br />

and purchase a demolition saw. A request to install a card reader security gate, at the plant, has<br />

been moved out to FY2014. The fund is fiscally sound with a projected “Net Position” for FY2013 of<br />

$1,103,907, which is a decrease of -652,703 from the previous year-end estimates.<br />

This fund carries a 5-year capital plan to replace aging water system infrastructure and equipment:<br />

Water/Sewer FY2013 - FY2017 Equipment and Improvements List (60/40 Split)<br />

Water & Sewer Enterprise Funds Combined Financing<br />

Financing<br />

Terms<br />

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Totals<br />

Mobile diesel air compressor 5-year $25,000 $25,000<br />

Video camera mounted vehicle 5-year $95,000 $95,000<br />

4X4 3/4 diesel standard cab 5-year $40,000 $45,000 $85,000<br />

4X4 Water meter SUV 5-year $30,000 $30,000<br />

Vactor truck 10-year $250,000 $250,000<br />

Skid loader 10-year $100,000 $100,000<br />

Truck Excavator 10-year $300,000 $300,000<br />

Totals $25,000 $345,000 $70,000 $100,000 $345,000 $885,000<br />

Capital Purchase Equipment Financing 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Totals<br />

Gate+ Security Card Entry System None $3,500 $3,500<br />

GIS Unit upgrade None $2,500 $2,500<br />

2 Compressors (Water Only) None $12,000 $12,000<br />

1 Chainsaw (water Only) None $1,200 $1,200<br />

2 Backwash Blowers (Water Only) None $25,000 $25,000<br />

Demolition Saw None $2,000 $2,000<br />

Totals $15,700 $28,500 $0 $2,000 $0 $46,200<br />

Grand Total $40,700 $373,500 $70,000 $102,000 $345,000 $931,200<br />

• Page 7

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