manitou springs city council regular meeting agenda city council

manitou springs city council regular meeting agenda city council

manitou springs city council regular meeting agenda city council


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Tab P<br />


Barr Trail Parking lot revenues are restricted for use for expenditures associated with the Barr Trail<br />

Parking lot and trailhead area as per the Intergovernmental agreement between the City and<br />

Colorado Springs Utilities, the owner of the parking lot.<br />

2012<br />

2010 2011 Original Final 2013<br />


10-363-214 BARR TRAIL PARKING LOT REV - 41,015 81,000 111,055 115,875<br />

Total Revenues: - 41,015 81,000 111,055 115,875<br />

Prior year ending Fund balance: - - 51,059<br />

Total Funds available" 81,000 111,055 166,934<br />

10-491-320 SERVICES (PROFESSIONAL)-BARR TRAIL - - - 14,976 - a<br />

10-491-570 BANK FEES - BARR TRAIL - - - 6,660 8,000 b<br />

10-491-910 TRANSFER TO GF-BARRTRAIL FOR CAP IMP - - 22,342 22,342 - c<br />

10-491-911 BARR TRAIL FACILITIES MAINTENANCE 16,018 47,766 d<br />

10-491-912 BARR TRAIL SHUTTLE - - - 32,115 e<br />

Total Expenditures: - - 22,342 59,996 87,881<br />

ENDING FUND BALANCE: 58,658 51,059 79,053<br />

a. In 2012, a portion of the Residential Parking lot study was paid for out of Barr<br />

Trail expenditures due to the direct impact of this study on Ruxton rd.<br />

b. Prior to 2012, all credit card fees were paid out of the Finance Department in<br />

order to better track actual cost of a department, credit card fees have been allocated<br />

to the department generating them.<br />

c. No transfer is anticipated in 2013, due to no planned capital improvements to the<br />

Barr Trail parking lot.<br />

d. This line accounts for the contract cleaning service cost for maintaining the Barr<br />

Trail restrooms and other maintenance expenditures on the parking lot and the<br />

environs. In 2012, this included a $10,000 donation to the Friends of Barr Trail for<br />

maintenance of the Barr Trail. In 2013, $40,000 is budgeted to give to the Rocky<br />

Mountain Field Institute for trail repair and maintenance. Friends of the Incline may<br />

ask for $3,000 for a counter to count hikers on the Incline trail.<br />

e. In 2013, the <strong>city</strong> will provide a match of $32,115 for a CMAQ (Congestion<br />

Mitigation and Air Quality) grant providing a shuttle from Tajine Alami parking lot<br />

up to the Barr Trail parking lot.<br />

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