Autism Studies and Related Medical Conditions, January 2009 - TACA

Autism Studies and Related Medical Conditions, January 2009 - TACA

Autism Studies and Related Medical Conditions, January 2009 - TACA


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Dubynin VA, Maklakova AS, Nezavibat'ko VN, Alfeeva LA, Kamenskii AA,<br />

Ashmarin IP: Effects of systemically-administered beta-casomorphin-7 on nociception<br />

in rats. [Article in Russian] Biull Eksp Biol Med 1992 Sep;114(9):284-6.<br />

Abstract: The influence of food-derived heptapeptide beta-casomorphin-7 (beta-CM-<br />

7) on pain sensibility of white rats was studied by tail flick test. As shown for doses 10<br />

<strong>and</strong> 20 mg/kg intraperitoneally, injected beta-CM-7 induced significant analgesia; lower<br />

peptide concentration (5 mg/kg) was ineffective. As a whole, there is a significant<br />

positive correlation between the intensity of analgesia <strong>and</strong> the quantity of administered<br />

exorphine. These changes of pain sensibility were observed for one hour after injection<br />

of heptapeptide; further measurements showed no significant difference of time<br />

reaction between control <strong>and</strong> experimental groups of rats. It was found out that<br />

animals with high native level of pain sensibility (4-8 sec) made the main contribution to<br />

manifestation of analgesia.<br />

Bouvard M.P., Leboyer M., Launay J.M., Kerdelhue B., Dugas M.: The opiod<br />

excess hypothesis of autism: A double-blind study of naltrexone. Proc. of the Intern.<br />

Symp. on Neurob. of Inf. <strong>Autism</strong>, 1990, Neurobiology of Infantile <strong>Autism</strong>, Exerpta<br />

Medica 1992.<br />

Teschemacher H, Koch G: Opioids in the milk. Endocr Regul 1991 Sep;25(3):147-50.<br />

Abstract: Rudolf-Buchheim-Institut fur Pharmakologie, Justus-Liebig-Universitat<br />

Giessen, Germany.<br />

In various studies, the milk has been screened for the presence of free or precursorbound<br />

opioids. In fact, various opioid receptor lig<strong>and</strong>s with agonistic or even<br />

antagonistic activity were found. Besides the alkaloid morphine, peptides derived from<br />

alpha-casein (alpha-casein exorphins), beta-casein (beta-casomorphins; betacasorphin),<br />

alpha-lactalbumin (alpha-lactorphins) <strong>and</strong> beta-lactoglobulin (betalactorphin)<br />

were among the agonists. In addition, certain peptides derived from k-<br />

casein (casoxins) or from lactoferrin (lactoferroxins) were found to behave like opioid<br />

antagonists. Although a functional role in the mammalian organism for all of these<br />

compounds appears to be well possible, evidence has only been presented for the<br />

functional significance of beta-casomorphins, so far. These peptides might play a role in<br />

reproduction or nutrition in the female, in the newborn's or in a milk consumer's<br />

organism, respectively. Thus, opioids related to milk might represent essential<br />

exogenous extensions of the endogenous opiodergic systems.<br />

Risebro, B.: Gluten-free diet in infantile autism. Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen 1991 Jun<br />

10;111(15):1885-6 [Article in Norwegian]<br />

<strong>Autism</strong> <strong>Studies</strong> & <strong>Related</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>Conditions</strong> – <strong>TACA</strong> © Page 166

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