1953–54 Volume 78 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1953–54 Volume 78 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1953–54 Volume 78 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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Memorial Trophy i^ich was awarded the chapter last year.<br />

This trophy is awarded annually to the outstanding men's<br />

organization at Colorado College, ratings for it being based<br />

on scholarship, leadership and athletics, both varsity and<br />

intramural. Keith Warrenburgh, one ot our pledges, was<br />

elected as head cheerleader for this school year. Steven<br />

Channer, Richard Clothier and Lawrence Kernan were<br />

newly initiated this Fall after completing their pledgeship<br />

second semester last year. Douglas Morgan was<br />

Homecoming chairman and Jim Jacobs the co-parade<br />

chairman who wiU take over the office ot parade chairman<br />

next year ^DOUGLAS MORGAN, Reporter.<br />

COLORADO GAMMA, Colorado A. 8C M. College.—<br />

Seven new brothers were initiated into Colorado Gamma<br />

in recent initiation ceremonies. They are: Walter Roalstad,<br />

Prescott, Ariz.; Russell Lyon, Denver; Garry Currie,<br />

Council Bluffs, Iowa; Tom Chamerlo, Florence; Jack<br />

Chase, Canton, Mass.; Ed Dawson and Jim Moore, Denver.<br />

Thirteen men were also given their <strong>Phi</strong>keia buttons<br />

at our Preferential dinner, staged at the completion of<br />

rush week this Fall. These men are: Jerry Walker, Rusty<br />

Wilkins, Louis Lilly, Denver; Bob Law, Colorado Springs;<br />

Gus Haggstrom, Ft. Lupton; BiU Ward, Pueblo; Byron<br />

Sloan, Strasburg; Mike Plumstead, Dearborn, Mich.;<br />

Pete Magnusson, Bellflower, Calif.; Jim McGinley, Oshkosh.<br />

Neb.; Reed Marhut, Lolo, Mont.; John Shaw, La<br />

Canada, Calif., and Don Furgeson, Denver. At the present<br />

time we are tentatively trying to purchase a larger<br />

house, as our present house is proving itself to be entirely<br />

too smaU for our steadily growing chapter. Negotiations<br />

are in progress, and it is hoped that the Colorado<br />

Gamma new housewarming party wiU not be too<br />

far off in the future. We tip our hats and offer our congratulations<br />

to Dan Scott who was married last Spring.<br />

Congratulations are also in order for Dick MoeUer, Warren<br />

Kirkley, Bob Bryant and Dallas Welp on the occasion<br />

ot their marriages. We wish all you brothers the<br />

best of happiness. At this time we wish to thank the<br />

chapters in Xi Province for their most thoughtful and<br />

useful gifts that were given to us since our installation<br />

last year. Something in the way of humor was staged by<br />

the active chapter early in October, when they reversed<br />

the custom and pulled a sneak on the pledges prior to<br />

their meeting. Various clues were given to the pledges<br />

and aU ot the chapter met and truly enjoyed the evening.<br />

Our outstanding pledge award was given to Ernie Deines<br />

tor his high scholarship and active fraternity participation<br />

tor the previous year. Colorado Gamma would like<br />

to give heartiest thanks to the local alumni club for the<br />

marvelous job that they have done working with us and<br />

for us. Much in the way of time and effort has been<br />

given to us by this group, and we truly appreciate their<br />

enthusiasm and activity. A recent visit was paid to us by<br />

Traveling Secretary Bob Miller. We most certainly appreciate<br />

Bob's assistance and constructive ideas tor bettering<br />

our chapter NEIL D. SANDERS, Reporter.<br />

FLORIDA ALPHA, University of Florida.—Two Florida<br />

<strong>Phi</strong>s were named to the University ot Florida 1953 Hall<br />

ot Fame. These outstanding personaUties and their<br />

fields of honor are: Pat PatiUo, student govenunent, and<br />

Bob Gibson, service. Vernon Barrs led the fast talking<br />

<strong>Phi</strong>s to a triumphant victory in the first annual Intramural<br />

Speech Tournament, .with our team taking tour<br />

firsts and one second place. BiU Poe and CharUe Parrish<br />

were named to the all-campus first string voUeyball team<br />

and Britt Simms placed on the second team last Spring.<br />

After the basketbaU competition was over, three ot our<br />

boys were given all-campus ratings on that team, namely.<br />

Bud Amos, captain. Bob MiUs, and CharUe Parrish.<br />

Congratulations are due Jim Jackson on his appointment<br />

as Director ot Orientation. He is the first Sophomore<br />

ever to hold that position. John PatiUo is secretarytreasurer<br />

of the Student Government and Tom Byrd,<br />


Florida Gamma sports managers proudly display trophies<br />

won by two-year-old chapter. Pictured are, left to<br />

right: Art Allwood, tennis (2nd); Tom Ehrhardt, basketball<br />

(2nd); Joe Parker, track (ist); Bob Berto, intramural<br />

manager; Kent Edwards, football (ist); Earl<br />

Long, swimming (ist); Don Melson, bowling (ist).<br />

Dean Robinson, Bob Serros and Bob Jackson are serving<br />

on the Executive Council JOE WILLIAMS, Reporter.<br />

FLORIDA GAMMA, Florida State University.—Florida<br />

Gamma has just completed two years as a 4> A 9 chapter.<br />

In the past year we rose to great heights by winning overall<br />

intramurals with firsts in football, track, bowling<br />

and swimming, and second in basketbaU and tennis. We<br />

retired the Balfour trophy for winning over-aU intramurals<br />

three years, including two years as a colony. We<br />

came up ten places in scholarship and were better than the<br />

all-men's average both semesters last year. In politics we<br />

have six men: Earl Long and Art AUwood on Men's Judiciary;<br />

Harry Massey, Junior class treasurer; Bob<br />

Berto, Junior Senator; Jack Houser, Secretary of Finance,<br />

and Steve Bailey on the University Court. So tar this year<br />

we have pledged thirty men tor a great rush season<br />

BOB BERTO, Reporter,<br />

GEORGIA ALPHA, University of Georgia.—Rush week<br />

is over here at the University of Georgia, and Georgia<br />

Alpha has strengthened its position as the number one<br />

chapter on campus by pledging 26 fine boys. They are:<br />

Hammond Jones, Atlanta; Ted Robinson, Macon; Doug<br />

Tounsley, Albany; Jimmy Nigard, Atlanta; Sam Hagerman,<br />

Atlanta; Ben Smith, Atlanta; Bryan Stevens, Atlanta;<br />

Rob Turner, Atlanta; Charles Walker, Fitzgerald;<br />

Gary Mathews, Roberta; John EUenburg, Atlanta; Bobby<br />

Sinclair, Atlanta; Jimmy Brown, Atlanta; John WiUiamson.<br />

Perry; Arthur Berry, Columbus; Dick Parker, MiUen;<br />

Billy Thaggert, Savannah; Jimmy Milton, Atlanta; Cliff<br />

Cottingham, Atlanta; Welbom Cole, Atlanta; Jimmy<br />

Waite, Macon; Bernard Herring, Fitzgerald; Al Airolda,<br />

Atlanta; Duffy Frank, Albany; Bob Beachamp, Atlanta,<br />

and Mitch Hunt, Ashbum. Again we outrushed and<br />

outpledged our leading rivals X * and 2 A E, although<br />

at a definite disadvantage because of our comparatively<br />

old chapter house. The Governor's Trophy, which is<br />

given to the chapter piling up the most points in intramural<br />

sports during the year, should rest within our<br />

walls before June rolls around. We are planning many<br />

fine parties this FaU. One ot particular interest being our<br />

welcoming party tor the brothers ot <strong>No</strong>rth Carolina Beta<br />

when they come down for the Georgia-<strong>No</strong>rth Carolina<br />

football game. Many of the brothers are taking leading<br />

roles in campus activities, which should sweU our number<br />

in O A K before the year is out ^A. L. CRITTENDEN,<br />

JR., Reporter.<br />

GEORGIA BETA, Emory University.—Thanks to our<br />

very capable rush committee under the direction of<br />

Budd Treloar, September 27 represented the height of

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