1953–54 Volume 78 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1953–54 Volume 78 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1953–54 Volume 78 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for January, 1954 245<br />

George Peterson, briefly welcomed the visiting alumni<br />

and actives prraent with their ladies, commended the<br />

General Dance Chairman, Jim Schram, Decorations Chairman,<br />

Dick Gray, and their committee for their excellent<br />

arrangements, and turned the major portion of the intermission<br />

time over to the Qregon Alpha Chorister, John<br />

Krohn, who led the group in the singing of old and new<br />

<strong>Phi</strong> favorite songs. An innovation this year was the setting<br />

up of a President's Table as a means of recognizing<br />

and honoring the past presidents of the local alumni<br />

chapter. The Portland Alumni Club has taken action<br />

to establish a closer relationship with the active chapters<br />

of Oregon Alpha, Beta and Gamma by authorizing the<br />

appointment of a liaison officer from the alumni group<br />

for each of the active chapters. The function of the liaison<br />

officer wiU be to post the active chapter on the current<br />

functions of the alumni group; to meet with the actives<br />

and see if there are any problems in which the alumni<br />

group may be ot assistance in working with them to<br />

bring about a solution; to meet with the Seniors and<br />

before graduation to present to those from the local area,<br />

or those who will locate in the Portland area, with a<br />

free membership card for the current year in the Portland<br />

Alumni Club which will also place them on the<br />

mailing list. The free membership cards were presented<br />

for the first time last May to this group of graduating<br />

Seniors, and this larger program is the outgrowth of the<br />

need as expressed by both the actives and the alumni.<br />

The liaison officer for Oregon Alpha is Richard Gray<br />

and for Oregon Beta Ralph Floberg, with appointment<br />

to be made for Gamma GEORGE L. PETERSON, President.<br />

ST. LOUIS<br />

THE MONTHLY LUNCHEONS at the Forest Park Hotel have<br />

been receiving excellent response and we have been<br />

fortunate in being able to obtain speakers for the<br />

luncheons who are especiaUy quaUfied in their field.<br />

Brother Guy Thompson, Trustee of the Missouri-Pacific<br />

Railroad spoke at the <strong>No</strong>vembei' meeting on some of his<br />

experiences in connection with the Railroad's receivership<br />

proceedings which proved to be most interesting,<br />

and Colonel Lawrence B. Feagin, who is in charge of the<br />

United States Engineer's Office for the Upper Division<br />

of the Mississippi River, spoke at the December meeting<br />

on the importance of the Mississippi River to this area<br />

and some of the steps being taken to prombte and maintain<br />

the use of the river and its facilities. Plans for the<br />

annual Christmas party were completed and it was held<br />

at Belvedere Joe's with fun for aU, including among the<br />

attendance prizes a ping pong table which was donated<br />

by Dave Jeffry, who recently moved to this area from<br />

Kansas City. Brother Jeffry's ideas transported from the<br />

Kansas City Alumni Club have proven to be most interesting<br />

RICHARD H. ELY, Reporter,<br />

Undergraduate News<br />

(Continued from page 242)<br />

fraternity sports supremacy race. Although our football<br />

team didn't come through as weU as we expected, we<br />

gained enough points to put us in second place. Then we<br />

took two first places in the tennis tournament and a first<br />

place in the voUeybaU tourney, and now we are on top.<br />

Basketball is king and although it looks as if it wiU be a<br />

hard fight, Wisconsin Beta should come out of the season<br />

in first place. December 10 we held our annual Winter<br />

formal at the Memorial Union and through the work ot<br />

Stretch Hart and his committee it was one of the most<br />

successful formals of the year..As far as college sports<br />

go, the <strong>Phi</strong>s at Lawrence have two men on the starting<br />

basketball team. Stretch Hart and Mory Locklin are the<br />

Announce Date of Washington<br />

Founders Day Diimer<br />

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Founders Day will be<br />

observed here Saturday, March 20, at the Carleton<br />

Hotel at 6:30 P.M. AU <strong>Phi</strong>s living or visiting in<br />

this area are most welcome. This is the place to<br />

meet a chapter brother—one of the outstanding<br />

events for <strong>Phi</strong>s. Our President, Marty Heflin,<br />

has unusual plans to make this the best in a long<br />

line of most successful and pleasant evenings for<br />

<strong>Phi</strong>s. CaU George S. Ward if you are not on our<br />

mailing list.—CARL A. SCHEID.<br />

two tall men on the team, each standing 6'4''- Hart is<br />

the starting center and Locklin is at one of the starting<br />

forward posts. Jerry Webers and Chuck Cappetta are<br />

spending most of their time trying to lose weight in order<br />

to keep in their wrestUng weight class. Webers wrestles<br />

in the 147-pound class and Cappetta in the 135-pound<br />

class. Howie Boor is captaining the Lawrence swimming<br />

team this year, and along with being a fine swimmer.<br />

Boor is doing a great job as captain. Eai;lier this year,<br />

some of the Lawrence <strong>Phi</strong>s went down to the University<br />

of Wisconsin campus to visit with the brothers at Wisconsin<br />

Alpha and to see the Wisconsin-Illinois game. All<br />

the Lawrence <strong>Phi</strong>s were impressed with the strong bond<br />

of brotherhood that exists between them and the Wisconsin<br />

Alpha chapter.—DONALD CARLSEN, Reporter.<br />

WYOMING ALPHA, University of Wyoming.—Homecoming,<br />

the big event of the Fall quarter on the Wyoming<br />

campus, saw Wyoming <strong>Phi</strong>s show their colors as they<br />

won first place for the most original float in the Homecoming<br />

parade with a 24-foot rocket of silver and blue<br />

with the theme, "Rocket through BYU, WU." We placed<br />

third in the Homecoming Sing though the competition<br />

was close, and we received much acclaim for our renditions<br />

of "It's a Grand Night For Singing" and "Always<br />

This Song Haunts Me Ever." Our Fall quarter dance,<br />

given by the pledges in honor of the active chapter, was a<br />

huge success and the pledge class deserved the praise they<br />

received for one of the best dances on the Laramie campus<br />

in a number of years. In intramural competition the <strong>Phi</strong>s<br />

came out with second place finishes in both FaU sports,<br />

footbaU and wrestUng. The points piled up by our<br />

intramural athletes were enough to place us in a first<br />

place tie in aU over competition, however. The Christmas<br />

season was celebrated at a chapter party, when actives<br />

and pledges exchanged gifts and each composed an<br />

appropriate verse about one of the brothers or <strong>Phi</strong>keias.<br />

After the party the activity ceased as the campus went<br />

into dead week, the traditional week of "study only"<br />

before final exams. Our serenading ceremony became a<br />

usual sight on sororit^r row, as an unusual number of<br />

<strong>Phi</strong>s became pinned during FaU quarter. Our <strong>Phi</strong> Delt<br />

serenade, with the honored <strong>Phi</strong> standing in the middle<br />

of a flaming red heart is a much awaited traditional honor<br />

for all <strong>Phi</strong>s and their sweethearts. Stronger, more stringent<br />

scholastic requirements of aU members and pledges have<br />

developed in Wyoming Alpha a concentrated effort to<br />

raise the standing of the chapter scholasticaUy. President<br />

Jack O'Neill attended the Interfratemity Council Convention<br />

in Cincinnati. He was the delegate from the<br />

University of Wyoming Interfraternity Council. <strong>Phi</strong><br />

Don Cluxton made news by smashing the state's marksmanship<br />

record. Cluxton, who is captain of the Wyoming<br />

rifle team, last year won the state championship and is<br />

recognized as one of the leading marksmen in the state.<br />


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