1953–54 Volume 78 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1953–54 Volume 78 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1953–54 Volume 78 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for January, 1954 221<br />


OHIO BETA, Ohio Wesleyan University.—^At the<br />

present time Ohio Beta is making plans for a successful<br />

Winter season under a new administration. Since the<br />

last SCROLL report. Bob Huston has turned over the helm<br />

of Ohio Beta to the capable hands of Vic Milla. Besides<br />

Milla the foUowing brothers were also selected to hold<br />

down chapter offices: Chuck Cox, secretary; Jerry Ritter,<br />

warden; BiU Davis, chaplain, and Ivan Bowman, librarian.<br />

Extensive plans are now underway for the coming<br />

Winter formal. The affair is under the direction of<br />

Social Chairman John Thomas and is being centered<br />

around the theme, "Toyland." Also slated for the near<br />

future is our annual party for the boys and girls of the<br />

Delaware Children's Home. With the coming of Winter<br />

comes a new round of sporting events in which Ohio<br />

Beta is well represented. Dick Semple wiU be out to<br />

defend his Ohio Conference Indoor Track High Jump<br />

Title during the coming campaign—Ohio Beta is represented<br />

on the basketball court by <strong>Phi</strong>keia Kip Cloud,<br />

and Frank Martin is a crack diver with the swimming<br />

team. On the intramural scene both basketball and<br />

bowling teams loom as favorites in their respective<br />

leagues. Great things are also expected from the <strong>Phi</strong>keia<br />

cagers who drubbed their first opponent 63-18. Ohio<br />

Beta is conceded a good chance in wrestUng with the<br />

presence of school champs Jim Wyatt and Don Patchin.<br />

In intramural swimming we have back one of the outstanding<br />

swimmers in the school. Art Mussman, with<br />

whom to build a team. In dramatics we are well represented<br />

in the forthcoming children's play, "RumpelstUtskin,"<br />

by Chuck Cox and Dick Brunn and <strong>Phi</strong>keia<br />

Neil Shadle. Jerry Krick has eamed the lead in the<br />

Senior class show, "Girl Crazy," and the supporting cast<br />

includes several other brothers THOMAS S. ROOS, Reporter.<br />

OHIO GAMMA, Ohio University.—This year's PoUtical<br />

week at Ohio University was, without a doubt, the<br />

most successful election period in recent years. In charge<br />

of this week was Ohio Gamma's George MitcheU. <strong>No</strong>vember<br />

11, George was also tapped by J-Club which<br />

named him one of the eleven outstanding Junior men on<br />

campus. In the all campus elections Ohio Gamma also<br />

did very well, being the only fraternity winning three<br />

offices: Tom Balding was elected president ot the Sophomore<br />

class; John Evans, treasurer of the Sophomore<br />

class, and Larry Long was elected to the men's vice<br />

presidency of the Junior class. Our intramural football<br />

team, coached by James Runyeon, fiinished second in<br />

the league this Fall. At the present time, our basketbaU<br />

teams, both pledge and active, are busy with practice<br />

under the watchful eyes of Coaches Harry Weinbrecht<br />

and Dick Miller. WhUe on the subject of athletics, it<br />

would be weU to mention that Gene Wetherholt and<br />

Al Short, ably coached the U B $ football team which<br />

fought A X A to a 0-0 tie in the seventh annual Powder<br />

Bowl game for the Damon Runyon Cancer Fund. Thanks<br />

to the efforts of these girls and their coaches, over ^700.00<br />

was turned over to this charity. Referee for the game was<br />

John Gibbs.<br />

New <strong>Phi</strong>keias of Ohio Gamma include: Paul C. Wickert,<br />

Charleston, W.Va.; Thomas Hickinbotham, ChUlicothe;<br />

Jack Duschinski, Portsmouth; Eldon Lown, Mansfield;<br />

Allen Jones, Jackson; John N. WUson, Columbus;<br />

Kenneth V. BaU, Warren; Don Barry, East Cleveland;<br />

John Nuhn, Cleveland; Sam Wharton, Belpre; D. W.<br />

Carter, Shaker Heights; Henry Mayer, Cleveland; Bill<br />

Repasky, Akron; Ronald Ramlow, Cleveland; Dick Hummel,<br />

Cleveland, and Gerald Hvizdak, Pleasant City.—<br />

JOHN GIBBS, Reporter.<br />

OHIO EPSILON, University of Akron.—^As it has done<br />

in the past, ^ A 6 once again is leading the student body<br />

of the University of Akron. Robert Savoy has been<br />

elected president of the Senior class and Gil Aumiller is<br />

the newly elected treasurer. With only four interfraternity<br />

activities completed, Ohio Epsilon has taken a big<br />

share of the honors; second in Homecoming decorations;<br />

first in volleyball, thanks to Neal, Savoy, Beverly, Mc­<br />

Neil, Lombardi, Kuhens and <strong>Phi</strong>keia WiUiams. First<br />

place in badminton singles went to Frye, and first place<br />

in badminton doubles was won by Kuhens and Neal.<br />

Our basketball team also is beginning the season with<br />

hopes of taking top honors in that competition. The<br />

following men have recently been pledged: Tom Getzinger,<br />

Jim Monahan, Marvin Walker, Ken Richards<br />

and Jim Sudman. This brings our pledge class total to<br />

twelve. These twelve are of the top fifteen men pledged on<br />

campus this semester. 'The chorus is once again making<br />

ready for the Songfest competition which wiU take place<br />

in January. We are looking forward to our sixth straight<br />

victory in this event. The chorus has just completed a<br />

very full schedule of singing engagements for various<br />

groups throughout the city. Formal rushing and pledging<br />

will begin in January and the brothers are working on<br />

the rushing program under the fine leadership of Smith<br />

and Beverly, who are co-chairmen. The annual Lovefeast<br />

was held December 26 with actives and alumni in<br />

attendance. Social Chairman Jim Cunningham arranged<br />

for and presented the annual Winter formal at the

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