1953–54 Volume 78 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1953–54 Volume 78 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1953–54 Volume 78 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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THE SCROLI.—Palladium Supplement—January, 1954 267<br />

ing a unanimous vote of appreciation for the conscientious<br />

efforts of Brother Flickinger during his<br />

brief tenure of office.<br />

11. Upon the recommendation of Secretary Beam,<br />

who had previously entered into telephonic conversation<br />

with Brother Albert P. Diehl, Iowa '32,<br />

Brother Diehl received the unanimous approval of<br />

the General Council for the appointment as President<br />

of Psi Province upon motion of Wright which<br />

was seconded by Gardner, subject to the approval<br />

of three-fourths of the chapters located in Psi<br />

Province in accordance with Section 84 under<br />

Title IV of the General Statutes.<br />

12. The General Council received a telegram<br />

from George A. Swinebroad, Centre '23, announcing<br />

his resignation as President of Eta Province for<br />

business reasons. The resignation was regretfully<br />

accepted along with a vote of thanks for Brother<br />

Swinebroad's continued interest in 4> A 9.<br />

13. For information purposes, the year-end Summary<br />

Reports of the Province Presidents were presented<br />

to the General Council for inspection.<br />

At this point in the proceedings the meeting was<br />

recessed at 12:30 P.M. for luncheon.<br />

The meeting re-convened at 1:55 P.M. with all<br />

persons previously reported in attendance.<br />

14. A recapitulation of the Province Presidents'*<br />

expenses for the fiscal year 1952-53 was presented<br />

indicating that the Province Presidents did not<br />

entirely exhaust the budget appropriation which<br />

had been set aside for their use. The General Council<br />

was unanimous in its opinion that, at the General<br />

Officers Conference which was immediately to<br />

follow the General Council meeting, the Province<br />

Presidents be informed that they should take full<br />

advantage of the funds which have been set aside<br />

for their use by visiting their chapters with all<br />

possible frequency and by otherwise discharging<br />

their duties as set forth in Section 86 under Title<br />

IV of the General Statutes.<br />

It was moved by Wright, duly seconded, and<br />

passed unanimously that the Province Presidents be<br />

directed to procure from the Alumni Clubs in their<br />

respective provinces up-to-date information with<br />

respect to the clubs and transmit such information<br />

to the Editor and the Executive Secretary for<br />

prompt publication in THE SCROLL.<br />

15. P. G. C. Ward reported on his experiences at<br />

a meeting on August 14, 15, 1953, of the Presidents<br />

of. the member fraternities of the- National Interfraternity<br />

Conference. As a member of the Executive<br />

Committee of the N.l.C, Brother 'Ward was<br />

one of the Hosts for the meeting. His report was<br />

well received and upon motion of Herrick, which<br />

was duly seconded, the General Council extended<br />

a vote of thanks to the President of the General<br />

Council for his excellent report..<br />

i6. The General Council heard with great interest,<br />

the written proposals of Brothers Randolph<br />

R. Connors, Wisconsin '25 and Donald G. Hawke,<br />

Cincinnati '35 dealing with the autonomy of fraternities<br />

in general, and *A 9 in particular, in respect<br />

to membership selection. The General Council<br />

went on record in unanimously expressing its appreciation<br />

to the above brothers for their deep interest<br />

in this important matter.<br />

17. Correspondence between the Executive Secretary<br />

and Peter Connolly, President of Massachusetts<br />

Alpha and with Cutler Umbach, Connolly's successor,<br />

was read by Beam and discussed thoroughly.<br />

The General Council saw no reason to reconsider<br />

the action taken in the case of Massachusetts<br />

Alpha since no evidence whatever was available to<br />

support any doubt of the propriety of such action.<br />

Accordingly, the chapter will remain in a state of<br />

suspension until the 1954 General Convention.<br />

18. By unanimous vote, the General Council voted<br />

to accede to the request of Massachusetts Alpha in<br />

the letter of February 22. and to present a petition<br />

to the 50th General Convention asking for the revocation<br />

of the charter of Massachusetts Alpha, in<br />

accordance with the provisions of Section 22. Article<br />

VI, of the Constitution. It was further voted that<br />

this petition be prepared forthwith and filed with<br />

the Executive Secretary.<br />

19. Following the consideration of the case of<br />

Massachusetts Alpha and its decision with respect<br />

thereto, the General Council gave consideration to<br />

the case of Massachusetts Beta, which raises the<br />

identical question. «<br />

It was voted unanimously that a petition by the<br />

General Council to the 50th General Convention be<br />

prepared forthwith, requesting the revocation of the<br />

charter of Massachusetts Beta, and filed with the<br />

Executive Secretary, as required in Article VI, Section<br />

22 of the Constitution.<br />

20. After careful consultation with Brothers O. J.<br />

Tallman and George E. Housser, Q.C., Past Presidents<br />

of the General Council, the General Council<br />

considered and unanimously adopted an agenda<br />

setting forth the order of procedure at the next<br />

General Convention dealing with:<br />

a. Consideration of the revision of Section 26<br />

under Article VII of the Constitution.<br />

b. The petitions for the revocation of the charters<br />

of Massachusetts Alpha and Massachusetts Beta.<br />

21 In view of the widespread misapprehension<br />

and misunderstanding in many quarters concerning<br />

the suspension of the privileges of Massachusetts<br />

Alpha and Massachusetts Beta, and so that it might<br />

be abundantly clear to the entire membership of<br />

A 9 that these suspensions were made by the<br />

General Council for the sole reason that these two<br />

chapters violated the laws of the Fraternity, it was<br />

unanimously agreed by the General Council that a<br />

factual report of these two cases from their beginning<br />

to the present time and a statement concerning<br />

the proposed future treatment of these problems<br />

should be made in a special edition of The Palladium<br />

to be mailed with all possible speed, by the<br />

first week of October, 1953, if possible. It was further<br />

ordered that the Secretariat of the General Head-<br />

•quarters, and the Alumni Secretary, in their chapter<br />

visitations and visitations with Alumni Clubs, should<br />

make certain that the active chapters and alumni be<br />

thoroughly acquainted with all of the facts in connection<br />

with these two cases so as to make certain<br />

that as many members of the Fraternity as possible<br />

would understand that these suspensions occurred<br />

because these chapters chose to ignore the laws of the<br />

Fraternity or to make their own laws. In concluding<br />

this agendum, the above officers were carefully in-

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