WATER ABLAZE - Patagonia Sin Represas

WATER ABLAZE - Patagonia Sin Represas

WATER ABLAZE - Patagonia Sin Represas


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• When CBL deals are in the process of being terminated, independent<br />

consultants must be sought. The ones responsible for<br />

“fobbing the deals off” on the municipal partners in the first<br />

place cannot be allowed to continue rendering their services<br />

– as interested parties who stand to gain as much by the rescission<br />

of the contracts as they did by their conclusion. We cannot<br />

entrust a dog with the guarding of a sausage factory!<br />

• The jugglers and acrobats who performed in the neoliberal<br />

financial circus must not be allowed to draft bills regulating<br />

the financial markets, something which is still happening at<br />

present. Artistes like these are the most unsuitable persons imaginable<br />

for this task.<br />

• No contracts, either CBL or others, should be entered into<br />

when public assets or essential resources serve as collateral and<br />

are thus exposed to serious risks. CBL contracts are an integral<br />

part of the financial crisis, which came about mainly as the result<br />

of speculative business lacking in genuine substance. The<br />

sole purpose behind these transactions is the personal gain of<br />

a small circle of players at the expense of the rest of us. This<br />

snatching of public funds is historically unique, not only as<br />

far as the amounts involved were concerned but also the brazen<br />

manner in which it was carried out. Debts of this order<br />

of magnitude will become the burden of future generations.<br />

This is why it is absolutely essential that we introduce elements<br />

of direct democracy into our society in the form of referenda<br />

at national level and, more importantly still, on public budget<br />

issues at local level. Those in power have proven themselves<br />

incapable of putting an end to dirty neoliberal financial tricks.<br />

Not only this – they are accomplices, supporters and patrons of<br />

the global casino. The sovereign must be given the power to intervene<br />

to safeguard public interests. It borders on perversion<br />

when taxpayers are repeatedly handed the bill but denied any<br />

power of decision-making whatsoever.<br />


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