WATER ABLAZE - Patagonia Sin Represas

WATER ABLAZE - Patagonia Sin Represas

WATER ABLAZE - Patagonia Sin Represas


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Stuttgarter Wasserforum is a citizens’ initiative, campaigning for the<br />

recommunalisation of the city’s water supply and the rescinding of CBL<br />

contracts, as well as against the privatisation of essential public services<br />

and liberal EU guidelines.<br />

contact: b a r b a r a k e r n 1 @ a l i c e - d s l . n e t<br />

w w w . u n s e r - a l l e r - w a s s e r . d e (German)<br />

TAZ Alternative German newspaper.<br />

w w w . t a z . d e (German)<br />

Umweltbrief Internet archive providing extensive coverage of political<br />

and environmental topics.<br />

w w w . u m w e l t b r i e f . d e (German)<br />

UnserWasserHamburg (UWH) Alliance of water activists in Hamburg,<br />

campaigning against the privatisation of the city’s water supply.<br />

w w w . u n s e r - w a s s e r - h a m b u r g . d e (German)<br />

Uranmunition/Depleted Uranium Munitions Network, aimed at saving the<br />

biosphere by having depleted uranium weapons outlawed and ultimately<br />

banished from this planet.<br />

w w w . u r a n m u n i t i o n . n e t (English/German)<br />

WasserInBürgerhand (WIB) Nationwide alliance of German towns<br />

which organises meetings and campaigns aimed at preventing further<br />

privatisation and recommunalising those water utilities which have<br />

already been privatised.<br />

w w w . w a s s e r - i n - b u e r g e r h a n d . d e (German/English/French/Spanish)<br />

Wasserkarawane Network of water activists from all around Lake<br />

Constance which organises events and campaigns, often in the form of<br />

artistic intervention.<br />

w w w . w a s s e r k a r a w a n e . d e (German)<br />

Werkstatt Frieden und Solidarität Austrian network, carrying out<br />

important work in the field of current affairs, globalisation, privatisation,<br />

EU guidelines, the Lisbon Treaty, militarisation and democracy issues.<br />

w w w . w e r k s t a t t . o r . a t (German)<br />

Zeitfragen Weekly newspaper, in print and online; provides important<br />

information from independent sources on globalisation issues, democracy,<br />

human rights and international law.<br />

w w w . z e i t - f r a g e n . c h (German)<br />

w w w . c u r r e n t c o n c e r n s . c h (English)<br />


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