WATER ABLAZE - Patagonia Sin Represas

WATER ABLAZE - Patagonia Sin Represas

WATER ABLAZE - Patagonia Sin Represas


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ut also on the country’s cultural heritage. Opponents are now focusing<br />

their attention on Turkey itself for the time being – on condition that<br />

the European companies do actually withdraw from the project. Should<br />

these companies stay, however, they will have great difficulties finding<br />

a European banking partner now that the Swiss UBS and the Zurich<br />

Kantonalbank have also removed their support. Whether or not they<br />

will receive loans from Turkish banks is uncertain, since the idea of<br />

Turkish government credit guarantees – should such a thing even be<br />

legally possible – is not a particularly attractive one. In the midst of the<br />

current financial and economic crisis, it will prove extremely difficult<br />

indeed to find creditors for such controversial projects. If – contrary to<br />

expectations – the companies are granted loans, interest rates will be<br />

high and western governments will have to provide collateral security,<br />

something which is no longer feasible.<br />

For years now, Turkish authorities have been referring to “interested<br />

Chinese and Indian companies” as a means of exerting pressure on<br />

European governments and the general public. So far, however, no<br />

such negotiations have actually taken place, but were they to get off the<br />

ground, they would probably take a long time to complete and trigger<br />

off even more public protests by the Kurdish population in Turkey.<br />

Chinese companies are infamous for their particularly low standards<br />

when they construct large infrastructure projects. For strategic reasons,<br />

Turkey would be advised to think very carefully before calling<br />

in Chinese firms since neither the USA nor the EU would be very<br />

“happy” about this move. Moreover, Turkish building contractors are<br />

already intertwined with western companies in the water business<br />

sector. It is also highly unlikely that North American companies would<br />

risk getting involved in such a project after the withdrawal of their<br />

European counterparts.<br />

Other conceivable scenarios are: expropriation measures would<br />

continue throughout the whole of the affected area and Turkish firms<br />

would begin by constructing as much of the infrastructure as they<br />

possibly could. Then, step by step, tenders would be invited for the<br />

more demanding components in an attempt to complete the project.<br />

European companies who got involved at this point would still require<br />


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