WATER ABLAZE - Patagonia Sin Represas

WATER ABLAZE - Patagonia Sin Represas

WATER ABLAZE - Patagonia Sin Represas


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Kein Patent NGO opposing patents on living organisms and life processes.<br />

w w w . k e i n p a t e n t . d e (German)<br />

Kritische Aktionäre (Critical Shareholders Association) Umbrella organisation<br />

of over 30 German shareholder activist groups demanding environmental<br />

protection, social justice and respect for human rights from corporations.<br />

They put forward their criticism at the annual general meetings of<br />

large companies.<br />

w w w . k r i t i s c h e a k t i o n a e r e . d e (German)<br />

LobbyControl German NGO, providing information on lobbying, PR and<br />

think tanks.<br />

w w w . l o b b y c o n t r o l . d e (German)<br />

Gendreck Weg Network of activists campaigning against the sowing of GM<br />

seeds in our fields (field liberation).<br />

w w w . g e n d r e c k - w e g . d e (English/German/French)<br />

Informationsstelle für Bürgerentscheide Offers legal and practical advice<br />

on how to plan and carry out public petitions and referenda.<br />

w w w . b u e r g e r b e g e h r e n . d e (German)<br />

Nadir Information forum with an extensive database covering projects,<br />

organisations and NGOs; search engine, general categories, archive.<br />

w w w . n a d i r . o r g (German)<br />

Netzwerk gegen Konzernherrschaft NGO opposing deregulation,<br />

neoliberal policies and privatisation as well as the MAI, WTO und GATS<br />

treaties; founded by Maria Mies.<br />

w w w . n e t z w e r k - n e o l i b e r a l i s m u s . n e t (German)<br />

Neues Deutschland Alternative German daily newspaper offering serious<br />

coverage of globalisation and privatisation issues.<br />

w w w . n e u e s - d e u t s c h l a n d . d e (German)<br />

Politonline Website with many significant articles on politics and current<br />

affairs.<br />

w w w . p o l i t o n l i n e . c h (German)<br />

Rügemer, Werner Journalist, lecturer and activist who deals with issues<br />

relating to corruption, CBL transactions, the privatisation of public assets,<br />

public-private partnership (PPP) projects and banking transactions.<br />

w w w . w e r n e r - r u e g e m e r . d e (German)<br />

Seniora Website with many important articles on political and current<br />

affairs issues.<br />

w w w . s e n i o r a . o r g (German)<br />


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