WATER ABLAZE - Patagonia Sin Represas

WATER ABLAZE - Patagonia Sin Represas

WATER ABLAZE - Patagonia Sin Represas


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Peoples Health Movement<br />

w w w . p h m o v e m e n t . o r g (English/Spanish)<br />

Peoples Water Forum (PWF) This site was created by and for the global<br />

water justice movement to coordinate our work in defence of water as a<br />

human right, a public good and a central component of the global commons.<br />

Our members include farmers, indigenous peoples, activists, trade unions,<br />

members of different faiths, non-governmental organisations, allied social<br />

movements and other networks struggling for water access throughout the<br />

world.<br />

w w w . p e o p l e s w a t e r f o r u m . o r g (English and other languages)<br />

Pesticide Action Network Works towards eliminating the dangers caused<br />

by toxic pesticides. Its website provides useful information on the pesticide<br />

activities of Syngenta, Bayer and Monsanto.<br />

w w w . p a n - u k . o r g (English)<br />

Polaris Institute Canadian NGO aimed at enabling citizen movements<br />

to re-skill and re-tool themselves to fight for democratic social change in<br />

an age of corporate-driven globalisation; host of the “Inside the Bottle”<br />

project; important activities on the water scene; director: Tony Clarke. The<br />

website includes a number of briefings on GM crops.<br />

w w w . p o l a r i s i n s t i t u t e . o r g (English)<br />

PSIRU Public Services International Research Unit<br />

PSIRU researches the privatisation and restructuring of public services<br />

around the world, with special emphasis on water, energy and waste<br />

management.<br />

w w w . p s i r u . o r g (English)<br />

Public Citizen Important non-profit U.S. consumer advocacy organisation,<br />

representing consumer interests in Congress, the executive branch and<br />

the courts; information and news relating to the right to water; activities<br />

against neoliberal globalisation; director: Lori Wallach.<br />

w w w . c i t i z e n . o r g (English)<br />

w w w . c i t i z e n . o r g / c m e p / W a t e r / (English)<br />

w w w . t r a d e w a t c h . o r g (English)<br />

Public Eye Counter-event to the annual World Economic Forum (WEF)<br />

in Davos; coordinated by the Swiss organisations Berne Declaration (BD)<br />

and Greenpeace Switzerland; platform for substantial criticism of purely<br />

profit-oriented globalisation; host of the “Public Eye Awards”.<br />

w w w . p u b l i c e y e . c h (English/French/German)<br />


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