WATER ABLAZE - Patagonia Sin Represas

WATER ABLAZE - Patagonia Sin Represas

WATER ABLAZE - Patagonia Sin Represas


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a rapid transition towards the widespread and sustainable use of renewable<br />

energy on a global scale. The French candidate, Ms. Hélène Pelosse, was<br />

appointed to become the Interim Director.<br />

w w w . i r e n a . o r g (English)<br />

Lets Link Systems whereby people exchange offers of work without using<br />

money or else paying with complementary currencies.<br />

w w w . l e t s l i n k u k . o r g (English)<br />

National Association of Farmers Markets<br />

Directory of farmers’ markets all over the UK.<br />

w w w . f a r m e r s m a r k e t s . n e t (English)<br />

Navdanya Biodiversity conservation programme that helps rejuvenate<br />

indigenous knowledge and culture, create awareness of the hazards of<br />

genetic engineering and defend against biopiracy. Navdanya means “new<br />

seeds”, and the programme is regarded as the pioneer of the movement<br />

to protect traditional crop plant seed. Navdanya collects and safeguards<br />

regional varieties and cultivates them on an experimental farm in the<br />

North Indian region of Dehradun at the foot of the Himalayas. The<br />

programme was founded by Vandana Shiva and is hosted by RFSTE. It has<br />

established 46 seed libraries in India.<br />

w w w . n a v d a n y a . o r g (English)<br />

NREA New and Renewable Energy Authority, Egypt<br />

w w w . n r e a . g o v . e g (English/Arabic)<br />

Participatory Budget Forward-looking model of direct democracy and<br />

decision-making by the citizens of Porto Alegre/Brazil.<br />

w w w . p a r t i c i p a t o r y b u d g e t i n g . o r g (English)<br />

Permaculture Association Permaculture is about creating sustainable<br />

human habitats by following nature’s patterns. An ecological design system<br />

that inspires and empowers us to create our own solutions to local and<br />

global problems, it provides ways to design and create healthy productive<br />

places to work, rest and play.<br />

w w w . p e r m a c u l t u r e . o r g . u k (English)<br />

Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond U.S. NGO, providing<br />

books, website, presentations, videos and more on how to conceptualise,<br />

design and implement sustainable water-harvesting systems for the home,<br />

countryside and the community.<br />

w w w . h a r v e s t i n g r a i n w a t e r . c o m (English)<br />

Solar water Disinfection (SODIS) Method of disinfecting water using only<br />

sunlight and plastic PET bottles. SODIS is a cheap and effective method for<br />


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