WATER ABLAZE - Patagonia Sin Represas

WATER ABLAZE - Patagonia Sin Represas

WATER ABLAZE - Patagonia Sin Represas


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DIHK Deutscher Industrie und Handelskammertag<br />

(German Trade and Industry Assembly) The leading organisation of all<br />

82 chambers of trade and commerce in Germany.<br />

w w w . d i h k . d e (German/English)<br />

DSB Dispute Settlement Body<br />

(part of the WTO)<br />

Deutsche Bank AG<br />

w w w . d b . c o m (German/English)<br />

ECB European Central Bank<br />

One of the world’s most important central banks, responsible for<br />

monetary policy covering the member states of the Euro-zone. It<br />

was established by the European Union (EU) in 1998 and has its<br />

headquarters in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.<br />

w w w . e c b . i n t (English and 22 other languages)<br />

ECJ European Court of Justice<br />

w w w . c u r i a . e u r o p a . e u / j c m s (English and 22 other languages)<br />

EIB European Investment Bank<br />

w w w . e i b . o r g (English/German/French)<br />

EPAs Economic Partnership Agreements<br />

Scheme to create a free trade area (FTA) between the EU and the ACP<br />

countries, as a response to continuing criticism that the non-reciprocal<br />

and discriminating preferential trade agreements offered by the EU<br />

are incompatible with WTO rules. EPAs are a key element of the<br />

Cotonou Agreement, the latest agreement in the history of ACP-EU<br />

Development Cooperation.<br />

EPO European Patent Office<br />

w w w . e p o . o r g (German/English/French)<br />

Ernst & Young<br />

One of the largest professional services firms in the world; a global<br />

organisation of member firms in more than 140 countries. Its global<br />

headquarters are based in London, UK and New York, USA.<br />

w w w . e y . c o m (English and other languages)<br />


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