Silviculture and Cinegetics Review - Societatea Progresul Silvic

Silviculture and Cinegetics Review - Societatea Progresul Silvic

Silviculture and Cinegetics Review - Societatea Progresul Silvic


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4. Conclusions<br />

Consequently, in order to set up the forest shelterbelts<br />

network at the level of the two main geographical<br />

units (totalizing 87212 ha <strong>and</strong> protecting a 3486947 ha<br />

area of agricultural l<strong>and</strong>) a quantity of 436000000<br />

seedlings is required. Even if the value has an<br />

orientation character (safe estimation) so far <strong>and</strong> is<br />

due to be finalised within the feasibility study stages<br />

<strong>and</strong> technical project, this is useful for the<br />

dimensioning <strong>and</strong> scheduling the production<br />

capacity of the afforestation stock.<br />

Taking into consideration the very large area subject<br />

to the afforestation work, the highly scattered<br />

character of works, <strong>and</strong> the very large quantity of<br />

afforestation stock which is required to be produced,<br />

such work is appreciated to be scheduled on a<br />

minimum 10 year period of time. Considering the<br />

above mentioned values regarding the area of the<br />

shelterbelts network, the total quantity of required<br />

seedlings, as well as this minimum time period for<br />

producing the afforestation stock, <strong>and</strong> for carrying out<br />

the work, it results the fact that the production of<br />

necessary afforestation seedlings can be finalized on<br />

a nursery surface of approximately 145 ha, that has to<br />

be available at least one year before the start of the<br />

setup works <strong>and</strong> has to be distributed relatively<br />

uniform at the level of the 19 involved county,<br />

proportionally with the shelterbelt area corresponding<br />

to each county.<br />

Accordingly, for producing the afforestation stock<br />

required by the setup of the forest shelterbelt network<br />

for field protection, the nursery area required at the<br />

county level has an average of approximately 7.6 ha.<br />

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