Medspiration – System Requirements Document - Data User Element

Medspiration – System Requirements Document - Data User Element

Medspiration – System Requirements Document - Data User Element


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<strong>Medspiration</strong> MED-SOC-RS-001_1<br />

<strong>System</strong> <strong>Requirements</strong> <strong>Document</strong> Issue F<br />

Page Table, fig. Reference ID Text from reference documents<br />

SR entry<br />

82 WP4-032 a HR-DDS MMR_FR prepared and submitted to the HR-DDS MMR system (WP-ID4.7). NASR<br />

82 WP4-033 There are several schemes that have been developed by operational agencies and research establishments (e.g.,<br />

Reynolds and Smith) that could be used but in each case, the specific method must be adapted to the high resolution<br />

L4A.0080<br />

L4A.0095<br />

space scales that the GHRSST-PP is attempting to resolve<br />

82 WP4-034 it is expected that L4 data products will evolve as RDAC gain more experience with high resolution SST measurements. L4A.0090<br />

WP-ID4.1 Collation of Available L2P <strong>Data</strong><br />

83 WP4-035 all L2P data eligible for analysis must first be collated. L4A.0030<br />

83 WP4-036 L2P data must then be mapped into the analysis grid. L4A.0050<br />

84 WP4-037 L2P data must first be re-sampled onto the L4FND standard output grid which is defined in Appendix A1.1. NASR<br />

84 WP4-038 A number of input sensors (infrared imagers) have finer spatial resolution than the output grid specification, as shown in<br />

L4A.0060<br />

Figure 4.1.1. For these cases the rule will be to average the values of all pixels which overlap the product cell entirely and<br />

which have a L2P confidence record Proximity_Confidence value equal to the highest encountered within the cell, to<br />

produce a single value<br />

84 Rule 4.1a WP4-039 In the case of a smaller L2P input pixel than the L2FND grid cell size, L4FND data product cell values are derived from an<br />

L4A.0060<br />

average of the L2P pixel which completely overlap the product cell and which have a L2P confidence record<br />

Proximity_Confidence value equal to the highest encountered within the cell, to produce a single value.<br />

84 Rule 4.1b WP4-040 For input pixels that straddle the boundary between output grid cells, a weighting function may be applied to the input<br />

L4A.0060<br />

values according to the degree of coverage of the output grid cell and according to the SSES.<br />

84 Rule 4.1c WP4-041 The SSES value for a re-gridded data set will take the value associated with the Proximity_Confidence value assigned by<br />

L4A.0060<br />

Rule 4.1a.<br />

84 WP4-042 When pixels in the input data stream are much larger than those of the SSTFND output grid (e.g., microwave instruments),<br />

L4A.0060<br />

as illustrated in Figure 4.1.2, the output grid cell takes the value and confidence data record of the input pixel in which it<br />

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