Commuter Rail Extension Alternatives Analysis - Transportation ...

Commuter Rail Extension Alternatives Analysis - Transportation ...

Commuter Rail Extension Alternatives Analysis - Transportation ...


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CALTRAIN EXTENSION TO MONTEREY COUNTY PASSENGER RAIL STATIONSALTERNATIVES ANALYSISImpactAG-C1: Will the project have the potentialto have a cumulative impact onagriculture?3.10. NoiseNO-1: Would the Project expose personsto or generate noise levels in excess ofstandards established in the local generalplan or noise ordinance, or applicablestandards of lead or responsibleagencies?NO-2: Would the Project expose personsto or generate excessive groundbornevibration or groundborne noise levels?NO-3: Would the Project cause asubstantial permanent increase in ambientnoise levels in the project vicinity?NO-4: Would the Project cause asubstantial temporary or periodic increasein ambient noise levels in the projectvicinity?NO-5: For a project located within anairport land use plan or, where such aplan has not been adopted, within twomiles of a public airport or public useairport, would the Project expose peopleresiding or working in the project area toexcessive noise levels?NO-6: For a project within the vicinity of aprivate airstrip, would the Project exposepeople residing or working in the projectarea to excessive noise levels?NO-1c: Will the Project have the potentialto generate cumulative noise impacts inexcess of standards or cause asubstantial increase in noise levels aboveexisting levels in the project vicinity?3.11. SocioeconomicsPH-1: Would the Project inducesubstantial population growth in an area,either directly (for example, by proposingnew homes and businesses) or indirectly(for example, through extension of roadsor other infrastructure)?Pre-mitigationSignificanceLess thansignificantSignificantMitigation MeasureNo mitigation necessary.NO-1: Utilize special horndesigns, establish quiet zones, orinstall residential sound insulation.Significance afterMitigationLess thansignificantLess thansignificantNo impact No mitigation necessary. No impact.Less thansignificantSignificantNO-1: Utilize special horndesigns or establish quiet zones.NO-4: Implement BestManagement Practices duringconstruction of the project.Less thansignificantLess thansignificantNo impact No mitigation necessary. No impactNo impact No mitigation necessary. No impactPotentiallysignificantSignificantRegionally, noise impacts fromincreased service on the rail linescould be minimized by implementationof additional noise abatementmethods such as limited useof train horns, as described abovein Mitigation Measure NO-1.PH-1A: Implement MontereyCounty and City of Salinas GrowthManagement PoliciesPH-1B: Implement TAMC<strong>Transportation</strong>-Related PrinciplesLess thansignificant.Less thansignificantparsons CHAPTER 5: ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 141

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