Commuter Rail Extension Alternatives Analysis - Transportation ...

Commuter Rail Extension Alternatives Analysis - Transportation ...

Commuter Rail Extension Alternatives Analysis - Transportation ...


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CALTRAIN EXTENSION TO MONTEREY COUNTYALTERNATIVES ANALYSISTable 8-28Health Cost of Motor Vehicle Emissions ($/ton)*EmissionValueVolatile organic compounds VOC $ 993Carbon monoxide CO $ 62Fine particulates PM 10 $114,801Nitrogen oxides NO X $ 14,208Sulfur dioxide SO 2 $ 57,338Source: California Life-Cycle Benefit/Cost <strong>Analysis</strong> Model, Technical Supplement to User’s Guide, 2004* California urban areasThe resulting health cost of transportation emissions associated with the Caltrain <strong>Extension</strong> andExpress Bus alternatives are itemized in Table 8-29.Table 8-29Health Cost of Caltrain <strong>Extension</strong> and Express Bus <strong>Alternatives</strong>Year 2010VOC CO NO X PM 10 SO X TotalCaltrain ($3,624) ($6,574) ($63,226) $4,592 $54,471 ($14,361)Express bus $70 ($4,551) $122,473 ($9,184) ($3,440) $105,368Year 2030Caltrain ($3,307) ($7,810) $ 29,979 $9,184 $108,369 $136,415Express bus $5,620 ($3,349) $393,277 ($6,884) ($7,454) $381,210Net Operating CostsFares (user fees) paid by riders to utilize the Caltrain <strong>Extension</strong> or Express Bus services will beinsufficient to fully cover the operations and maintenance (O&M) costs of the services. The O&Mcosts for the Caltrain <strong>Extension</strong> and Express Bus alternatives were listed in Tables 6-8 and 6-10.Passenger revenues were listed in Table 6-13. The resulting net operating cost, i.e., the differencebetween O&M costs and passenger revenues, are summarized in Table 8-30 for the 2010 and 2030planning horizons.Table 8-30Net Operating CostsCaltrain <strong>Extension</strong> AlternativeExpress Bus AlternativeParameter 2010 2030 2010 2030Annual O&M cost ($ 2007) $4,485,680 $8,714,409 $8,566,707 $17,133,413Annual fare revenue $3,310,612 $6,320,790 $3,310,612 $ 6,320,790Annual net public operating cost $1,175,068 $2,393,619 $5,256,095 $10,812,623parsons CHAPTER 8: EVALUATION OF ALTERNATIVES 195

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