Commuter Rail Extension Alternatives Analysis - Transportation ...

Commuter Rail Extension Alternatives Analysis - Transportation ...

Commuter Rail Extension Alternatives Analysis - Transportation ...


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CALTRAIN EXTENSION TO MONTEREY COUNTY PASSENGER RAIL STATIONSALTERNATIVES ANALYSISTable 6-6TSM Alternative Annualized CostA N N U A L I Z E D C O S T - B U I L D A L T E R N A T I V E (Rev.9, Feb. 6, 2007)<strong>Transportation</strong> Agency for Monterey County Today's Date 3/8/07Express Bus Alternative Yr of Base Year $ 2007Conceptual Engineering Yr of Revenue Ops 2011QuantityTotal BaseYear Dollars(X000)Cat. 80Prof. Svc.spreadproportionallyoverCats. 10 - 50(X000)SpreadCat. 90Unalloc.Cont.according toperceivedrisks(X000)RevisedTotal BaseYear Dollars(X000)Years ofUseful LifeAnnualizationFactor(based on 7%rate)[.07/1 - (1.07)^no.yrs]AnnualizedCost(X000)10 GUIDEWAY & TRACK ELEMENTS (route miles) 0.00 1,458,783 412,342 0 1,871,125 144,60010.01 Guideway: At-grade exclusive right-of-way 0.00 0 0 0 125 0.0700 010.02 Guideway: At-grade semi-exclusive (allows cross-traffic) 0.00 0 0 0 30 0.0806 010.03 Guideway: At-grade in mixed traffic 0.00 0 0 0 20 0.0944 010.04 Guideway: Aerial structure 0.00 0 0 0 80 0.0703 010.05 Guideway: Built-up fill 0.00 0 0 0 80 0.0703 010.06 Guideway: Underground cut & cover 0.00 0 0 0 125 0.0700 010.07 Guideway: Underground tunnel 0.00 0 0 0 125 0.0700 010.08 Guideway: Retained cut or fill 0.00 0 0 0 125 0.0700 010.09 Track: Direct fixation 0 0 0 30 0.0806 010.10 Track: Embedded 0 0 0 20 0.0944 010.11 Track: Ballasted 1,438,776 406,687 1,845,463 35 0.0772 142,53210.12 Track: Special (switches, turnouts) 20,007 5,655 25,662 30 0.0806 2,06810.13 Track: Vibration and noise dampening 0 0 0 30 0.0806 020 STATIONS, STOPS, TERMINALS, INTERMODAL (number) 0 4,048,807 1,144,442 0 5,193,249 366,74520.01 At-grade station, stop, shelter, mall, terminal, platform 0 4,048,807 1,144,442 5,193,249 70 0.0706 366,74520.02 Aerial station, stop, shelter, mall, terminal, platform 0 0 0 0 70 0.0706 020.03 Underground station, stop, shelter, mall, terminal, platform 0 0 0 0 125 0.0700 020.04 Other stations, landings, terminals: Intermodal, ferry, trolley, etc. 0 0 0 0 70 0.0706 020.05 Joint development 0 0 0 70 0.0706 020.06 Automobile parking multi-story structure 0 0 0 50 0.0725 020.07 Elevators, escalators 0 0 0 30 0.0806 030 SUPPORT FACILITIES: YARDS, SHOPS, ADMIN. BLDGS 7,376,190 2,084,965 0 9,461,155 683,62430.01 Administration Building: Office, sales, storage, revenue counting 675,000 190,797 865,797 50 0.0725 62,73530.02 Light Maintenance Facility 6,000,000 1,695,969 7,695,969 50 0.0725 557,64930.03 Heavy Maintenance Facility 0 0 0 50 0.0725 030.04 Storage or Maintenance of Way Building 0 0 0 50 0.0725 030.05 Yard and Yard Track 701,190 198,199 899,389 80 0.0703 63,23940 SITEWORK & SPECIAL CONDITIONS 25,891,808 7,318,617 2,922,000 36,132,425 3,275,15840.01 Demolition, Clearing, Earthwork 1,987,471 561,782 2,549,253 125 0.0700 178,48640.02 Site Utilities, Utility Relocation 0 0 0 125 0.0700 040.03 Haz. mat'l, contam'd soil removal/mitigation, ground water treatments 33,750 9,540 43,290 125 0.0700 3,03140.04 Environmental mitigation, e.g. wetlands, historic/archeologic, parks 0 0 0 125 0.0700 040.05 Site structures including retaining walls, sound walls 0 0 0 80 0.0703 040.06 Pedestrian / bike access and accommodation, landscaping 2,831,016 800,219 500,000 4,131,235 20 0.0944 389,95940.07 Automobile, bus, van accessways including roads, parking lots 18,721,551 5,291,862 2,422,000 26,435,413 20 0.0944 2,495,31640.08 Temporary Facilities and other indirect costs during construction 2,318,020 655,215 2,973,235 100 0.0701 208,36750 SYSTEMS 742,500 209,876 0 952,376 79,46250.01 Train control and signals 0 0 0 30 0.0806 050.02 Traffic signals and crossing protection 337,500 95,398 432,898 30 0.0806 34,88650.03 Traction power supply: substations 0 0 0 50 0.0725 050.04 Traction power distribution: catenary and third rail 0 0 0 30 0.0806 050.05 Communications 0 0 0 20 0.0944 050.06 Fare collection system and equipment 405,000 114,478 519,478 25 0.0858 44,57750.07 Central Control 0 0 0 30 0.0806 0Construction Subtotal (10 - 50)39,518,088 11,170,242 2,922,000 53,610,330 4,549,59060 ROW, LAND, EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS 11,174,225 1,671,000 12,845,225 899,35760.01 Purchase or lease of real estate 11,174,225 1,671,000 12,845,225 125 0.0700 899,35760.02 Relocation of existing households and businesses 0 0 125 0.0700 070 VEHICLES (number) 0 30,000,000 0 30,000,000 3,777,06070.01 Light <strong>Rail</strong> 0 0 0 25 0.0858 070.02 Heavy <strong>Rail</strong> 0 0 0 25 0.0858 070.03 <strong>Commuter</strong> <strong>Rail</strong> 0 0 0 25 0.0858 070.04 Bus 0 30,000,000 30,000,000 12 0.1259 3,777,06070.05 Other 0 0 0 12 0.1259 070.06 Non-revenue vehicles 0 0 0 12 0.1259 070.07 Spare parts 0 0 0 12 0.1259 080 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 11,170,24280.01 Preliminary Engineering 1,181,53180.02 Final Design 2,756,90580.03 Project Management for Design and Construction 1,742,85780.04 Construction Administration & Management 3,938,43580.05 Insurance 080.06 Legal; Permits; Review Fees by other agencies, cities, etc. 1,550,51580.07 Surveys, Testing, Investigation, Inspection 080.08 Start upSubtotal (10 - 80)091,862,55590 UNALLOCATED CONTINGENCY 4,593,000Subtotal (10 - 90)The range for buses is 12 to 18 years.Provide supporting documentation for anestimated useful life of more than 12years.96,455,555 11,170,242 4,593,000 96,455,555 9,226,006parsons CHAPTER 6: ESTIMATION OF CAPITAL, OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE COSTS, AND REVENUE 152

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