Commuter Rail Extension Alternatives Analysis - Transportation ...

Commuter Rail Extension Alternatives Analysis - Transportation ...

Commuter Rail Extension Alternatives Analysis - Transportation ...


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CALTRAIN EXTENSION TO MONTEREY COUNTYALTERNATIVES ANALYSISHispanic/Latino background and nearly 50 percent of the population served is classified as beingof low or moderate income. In Santa Clara County, the average wage of all private workers isnearly double the average in Monterey County; while the average wage of high tech workers isnearly three and one-half times that paid by Monterey County employers. As of 2000, more than570,000 jobs were available in Santa Clara County/Silicon Valley. Both the Caltrain <strong>Extension</strong> andthe Express Bus alternatives will provide travel time competitive, affordable transit access tothese higher paying jobs.4. Will the proposed fixed guideway investment generate economic benefits for MontereyCounty?Population and housing growth are forecast for the communities and neighborhoods surroundingthe proposed fixed guideway stations. The Caltrain <strong>Extension</strong> and Express Bus alternatives couldhelp to accommodate this growth by providing efficient public transportation options.Beneficial impacts to community cohesion and quality of life would occur for residents and businessesnear the proposed rail stations or park-and-ride facilities. Residential property values areexpected to increase slightly near transit stations. <strong>Rail</strong> stations have a higher correlation withtransit-oriented development and increase in property values than bus centers. (See the responseto question 5 for more on transit-oriented development.)Employment growth at the proposed station sites would result mostly from a redistribution of existingemployment. Access to regional jobs and educational and entertainment opportunities wouldincrease for residents living near proposed stations, including environmental justice populations.As noted above, the proposed project will provide access to higher paying jobs in Santa ClaraCounty/Silicon Valley, as well as jobs located in San Mateo and San Francisco counties. Inaddition to jobs, educational opportunities that provide entry level access to these higher payingjobs will be accessible by the proposed Caltrain <strong>Extension</strong> and Express Bus alternatives.Higher wages earned by Monterey County residents working in the San Francisco Bay Area willlikely create secondary employment opportunities in the Monterey Bay region.5. Will the proposed transit centers promote localized transit-oriented development?The <strong>Transportation</strong> Agency for Monterey County has adopted a set of guidelines for communitydevelopment that encourage the siting of higher density housing and mixed-use developmentsaround transit centers. Higher density housing near rail stations could provide additionalaffordable or workforce housing. The Agency will partner with jurisdictions to promote transitorienteddevelopment around transit centers. The <strong>Transportation</strong> Agency also administers the<strong>Transportation</strong> for Livable Communities Transit-Oriented Development incentive grant program,which rewards jurisdictions who approve such developments with funds for transportationprojects. Encouraging this kind of growth around transit maximizes the investment in thetransportation networks by promoting transit use and infill development in walkable areas, therebyincreasing living and transportation choices while reducing reliance on automobiles.General and local community plans show higher density housing and mixed-use developments inproximity to the three proposed rail stations. The draft Castroville Community Plan proposeshousing and mixed-use developments proximate to the rail station. The City of Salinas’s GeneralPlan and Downtown Rebound Plan both call for redevelopment around the intermodaltransportation center. In Pajaro, the County Redevelopment and Housing office is planning for ajob-training center next to the rail station. All three plans actively support the transit centers asfocal points for redevelopment and infill development.parsons EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ES-10

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