Commuter Rail Extension Alternatives Analysis - Transportation ...

Commuter Rail Extension Alternatives Analysis - Transportation ...

Commuter Rail Extension Alternatives Analysis - Transportation ...


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CALTRAIN EXTENSION TO MONTEREY COUNTYALTERNATIVES ANALYSISTable 1-1Preliminary Capital Cost EstimatesAlternativeAlternative Name and Description0 No Build <strong>Rail</strong> Service—Existing transit services andlimited road improvements1 Caltrain to Salinas <strong>Rail</strong> Service—Extend fourcommuter rail roundtrips from Gilroy to Salinas2 Monterey Peninsula to San Francisco Intercity<strong>Rail</strong> Service —Operate intercity train servicebetween the Monterey Peninsula and San Francisco2 or 3 roundtrips per day3 Monterey Peninsula to San Francisco Intercity<strong>Rail</strong> Service Plus Caltrain to Salinas and MontereyPeninsula—Operate intercity train service betweenthe Monterey Peninsula and San Francisco plusextend two Caltrain roundtrips from Gilroy to Salinas,and two roundtrips from Gilroy to the north side ofMarina.4 Passenger <strong>Rail</strong> Shuttle to Castroville CaltrainService—Extend four Caltrain commuter railroundtrips from Gilroy to Salinas. Operate connectingshuttle service between Seaside and Castroville tomeet Caltrain service extension.5 Local Peninsula <strong>Rail</strong> or BRT Service—ConstructLRT or BRT guideway between Monterey and Marina,or extend LRT to Castroville. Potential intercity railfrom Marina to San Francisco under sub-option 5D.Includes Caltrain extension to Salinas.6 Salinas to Monterey Local <strong>Rail</strong> or BRT Service—Construct LRT or BRT guideway between Montereyand Marina. Extend LRT guideway to Castroville viaMonterey branch line and Salinas along Coast mainline. Alternately, extend BRT guideway to Salinas viaBlanco or Davis roads. Includes Caltrain extension toSalinas.7 Monterey Peninsula to San Francisco IntercityPlus Salinas to Monterey Local <strong>Rail</strong> Service—Construct LRT between Monterey, Castroville andSalinas. Operate intercity rail service from Montereyto San Francisco. Use FRA*-compliant diesel multiplerail equipment for both services. Includes Caltrainextension to Salinas.8 Monterey County to San Francisco PeninsulaExpress Bus Service—Low cost transit investmentsto match locally preferred Caltrain <strong>Extension</strong>Alternative. Includes major roadway construction toprovide capacity/reduce congestion.<strong>Transportation</strong> Investment ComponentMontereyPeninsulaFixed Guideway 1Caltrain<strong>Extension</strong>to Salinas 2HighwayElementsTotal0 0 0 00 $75M 0 $75M$44M 0 0 $44M$22M $75M 0 $97M$82M $75M 0 $157M5A—$ 88M5B—$125M5C—$ 75M5D—$117MSource:1 Capital Cost Report for the Monterey Branch Line, Parsons, February 20052 Draft Caltrain <strong>Extension</strong> to Monterey County Project Study Report, Parsons, February 2005*Federal <strong>Rail</strong>road Administration0$75M000000$ 88M$200M$ 75M$117M$155M $75M 0 $230M$155M $75M 0 $230MTBD TBD $1,234M $1,234M645188AA-065parsons CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 12

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